It is at this time of year that many of us will identify our goals for the year. When these are health related, often times we include things like: losing 10 lbs increasing our strength or dropping a few inches off our midsection.There is a big difference between wanting to change and being ready for change. Here are 5 tips to assist you in realizing your goals, rather than simply wishing for them.1. Be concrete - Don't just say I want to lose some weight. Be specific! How much? What is your current weight? How long will this take? Is this reasonable for you? What would be an appropriate short term goal?2. Write it down - When you put your goal in writing, you are more likely to succeed! Better yet, write a contract with a friend and then you both sign off agreeing to the terms related to your goal. You are now accountable to both yourself, and someone else. Plus, by having your goal in writing, you can monitor your progress as you go and make adjustments along the way.3. Choose a different path for a different destination - You wouldn't keep driving the same roads expecting to arrive at a new destination, so don't expect the same efforts used in the past will yield different results. Try something new! Whether it's physically, with a new type of workout, or by adding more water during the day. Also, look to improve upon what you tried in the past.4. Be reasonable - If we are carrying a few extra pounds we must realize this weight gain didn't just come over the last few weeks of holidays. More likely than not, it started soon after college (or as we entered the workforce, or started families) and has been gradually creeping up since then. Let's...
Lose 7 lbs by Thanksgiving? Try 22!
- Chris Collins
- Motivational
- 810 Hits
Hi there: Before I get to today's email I want to let you know we've made a few changes on our website. In addition to a bit of a re-design the major change is that we've switched it over to a wordpress blog. What does this mean for you? Well, now you get to have your say. You can go to the site every time I post an article and leave some feedback. You can ask a question. Or you can present an alternate argument to a question. Maybe you're an expert in a particular field and have info that really would benefit the people reading these emails. Case in point when I wrote about celiac disease you replied to me with some excellent resources and info that I had to pass on to others.And so I really encourage you to go over to the site and post a comment, a question or whatever's on your mind. From time to time I'll reward those who post with meal plans, training programs and other freebies.So go take a look, let me know what you think and make your home for health, fitness and performance.Now on to the article.A while back I put a challenge out to you. I challenged you to lose 7 lbs by Thanksgiving. And we gave you the tools of how to make this a reality.And you responded. Big time.But one of you didn't stop at 7 lbs. Or at 10 lbs, 15 lbs or even 20 lbs. Annette Welke has managed to drop 22 lbs and is on track for more!Read on to see what Annette did to achieve this incredible result.Hi Chris! Since I have started working with you (almost 4 years!) I have seen my weight go up and down, with nobody to blame but...
One of the best training experiences I've ever had
- Chris Collins
- Motivational
- 943 Hits
- 1 Comment
Hey there: This past spring I was contacted regarding training a few Special Olympics athletes. Richard, Glen and Andrew compete in track in field and were looking for some help in getting ready for the Nationals in July. So I agreed to do my best to help these guys out. What a great experience it was.At the very first meeting we sat down and discussed their goals, training history, previous injuries, rest habits and anything else relevant to realizing success in track and field. And I was really impressed how much focus these guys had. They were dedicated to their training. They avoided empty calories and made sure to get at least hours of sleep a night. If I remember correctly Andrew told me he really likes having stir-frys for dinner. Unless there's pizza!And so we got started. I didn't realize their level of dedication until one day Richard was quoting one of my more recent emails that you all receive. It didn't make sense how accurate he was it being able to recall the content until I realized he was printing them all off and collecting them in a binder. He would bring the binder to our training sessions and then share them with others.Lastly I'll remember Glen for going for runs into between our training sessions. Even if his training partners were busy he'd still be out there putting in his mileage then come inside the gym for a workout. Although I seem to recall him teasing me about how poorly Italy did in the World Cup.Recently one of these guys received a very admirable acknowledgement. Richard was named Special Olympics Canada's male athlete of the year. While Richard will be receiving the award all there of these guys are deserving. And knowing Andrew and Glen they are proudly...
How Strong is Your Conviction to Achieve Your Goal?
- Chris Collins
- Motivational
- 948 Hits
Hi there: Hope you've had a great week. Mine flew by partly due to being busy. But I did manage to fit in a date night with my wife. And we went out for dinner and then to see the movie Conviction. She's not a huge Hilary Swank fan but we both did agree the show was pretty good. And it wasn't until after the show was over that it occured to me that the title was a play on words. You see the movie is about a couple of foster kids from small town Massasschusets. The brother is wrongly convicted of murder and the sister takes it upon herself to right this wrong and get her brother freed from jail. The only problem is that the sister is not a lawyer. Nor does she have degree to apply to law school. Nor a GED for that matter. But that doesn't stop her from doing whatever is necessary to achieve the end goal of freeing her brother from jail. Initially I looked at the title and thought it had to do with the brother and his conviction. But in retrospect it had to do with the sister and her conviction to overturn his sentence.So what does this have to with health, fitness, performance or anything?Well there are two messages you can take from this movie. The first is the most successful people aren't always the most gifted. Or the smartest. Or having the most of anything that is a pre-requisite for success in that field. Take Wayne Gretzky for example.He didn't have the hardest shot. He wasn't the fastest skater. He was in no way a physical presence on the ice. (some reports have him scoring the lowest on the Oilers' fitness testing). But he was the greatest player to ever play...
Amazing Story About Exceeding Expectations
- Chris Collins
- Motivational
- 914 Hits
The other night I was enjoying a little down time with the family. And so we decided to see what movies were stored on the pvr. After scanning the list we decided upon 'Invictus'. Have you seen this show? If you haven't you should check it out. It's set in the early 90's after Mandela is freed from jail and then becomes president of South Africa. Facing a number of domestic issues to resolve, Mandela turns to the captain of the national rugby team to inspire South Africa at the 95 World Cup of Rugby.At one point Mandela sits down with Pienaar, the captain of the National Rugby team, to discuss leadership. He asks the rugby player about how he gets the most out of his team. He says:'But how do we get them to be better then they think they CAN be? That is very difficult, I find. Inspiration, perhaps. How do we inspire ourselves to greatness when nothing less will do? How do we inspire everyone around us? I sometimes think it is by using the work of others. 'This is a powerful way of thinking.How do we get others, or even ourselves, to exceed our expectations?What makes us strive for more in spite of obstacles or setbacks?What causes us to continue on when others not only don't support you but may ridicule you for even trying?I believe it has to do with setting up the right environment.This includes your family, your friends and your coworkers and anyone else you interact with. Because we can be inspired by their actions.And these actions can fuel and motivate us to greatness.Consider the story of Zach Krych.Zach who?Exactly. Not really a household name is he?But that's what's great about this story.You see Zach is a 27 year old Olympic weighlifter from Minnesota...
5 Great Reasons Lent Is Good For Your Fitness & Performance
- Chris Collins
- Motivational
- 817 Hits
So for the next little while I'm going without alcohol, candy or treats. This might seem like an obvious thing for someone is this line of work. But the truth is it's usually fitness professionals who enjoy the biggest cheat days and splurge the most when it comes to food and drink. Case in point last August I registered our summer intern and I for a pub crawl while at a conference in Long Beach. But back to the story.I'm not going to have any chocolate, candy, popcorn, wine, beer or alcohol of any type until Easter. This all started last Wednesday and goes for 40 days until April 8, which is Easter Sunday.Now while this might be a Catholic tradition you don't have to be of this faith, or any faith for that matter, to participate. All you need to do is pick things that are treats for you and you go cold turkey for the next 40 days.Think of all the things you could give up for the next 40 days which don't add to your health and performance. Besides the ones I've listed you could also add:* smoking* watching tv* checking your facebook profile* going to movies* watching your favourite tv showsBut you don't have the limit this experience to only giving things up. Although, I always recommend eliminating a negative makes more sense before you look to add a positive.So if you don't have a sweet tooth or enjoy a cold one while at the hockey game maybe it makes more sense to add some positives to your life for the next 40 days.Some examples would be:* go for a walk after dinner* walk or bike to work - the weather is getting better for this* eat more green leafy vegetables* drink more water* get more sleep* add one more...
A Higher Purpose for Fitness Training
- Chris Collins
- Motivational
- 897 Hits
Often times when we think about our reasons for training they can be pretty obvious such as a weight loss goal. This is an obvious goal because it's the number one goal of people who have gym memberships. Heck, it's probably even the number one goal of even the ones who don't have gym memberships.And it makes sense to drop a few extra pounds. It takes stress off weight bearing joints. It allows us to move more easily and without feeling totally spent after performing daily tasks like walking up a flight of stairs.There are improvements to our blood chemistry and overall physiology. Our sleep improves and so does our mood. The truth is we can find many reasons to invest our health by taking some time for training and proper nutrition.But what I find really interesting is that all of these reasons are lower in the grand scheme of things.Consider Maslow's Hierchy of Needs.The diagram represents a variety of human needs from more basic ones at the bottom. In other words as basic requirements we need to breathe, eat, drink water, sleep and carry on basic physiological human needs.But as we progress we must satisfy higher levels of needs related to feeling safe, being loved, having esteem and eventually realizing self-actualization.So how does this relate one's fat loss goal? What does my fitness training have to do with these needs?Let's look at each of these in detail.Physiological - Getting started on a training program involves better nutrtional choices. We drink more water. We sleep better. And as a result our physiological needs are satisfied.Safety - With our training our primary goal is to reduce the incidence of injury. We want to strengthen your immune system to keep you from catching the various colds and flus that get passed around. You...
Saturday Morning Training Session - Ode to Ronnie Coleman
- Chris Collins
- Motivational
- 1106 Hits
Last week while I was in California I had the chance to meet up some friends, colleagues and fitness celebrities. In particular I had the chance to meet Ronnie Coleman.Ronnie is a former 8-time Mr. Olympia. Here's a pic of meeting him.He had some pretty funny stories to share about how he started working at a pizza place after university then went on to become a cop. And eventually he became the best bodybuilder in the world.And this guy is pretty entertaining. When he trains he is famous for yelling out his catch phrase 'yeah buddy!' before a set in the gym.Now you have to imagine this massive black guy, at nearly 350 lbs in his prime, yelling 'yeah buddy!' in a rather unique and higher pitched voice. It's not Mike Tyson-high but it's definitely not to be confused with Barry White.So last Saturday at our Group Fitness trainin session we had everyone yell out 'yeah buddy!' as I panned the room with the camera.Here's the clip:Saturday Group Fitness TrainingSo what's the point of all this?Well for a number of reasons including:1. Strength in NumbersIt's much easier to doing conditioning sets with others. On this day there were about 20 people out all different ages and abilities. Because of this community everyone was able to push a little harder and do a little more. You may recall on Saturday morning it was snowing. How many from this group would have ventured out had they known they'd be the only one?2. There is No IntimidationOn this day we had NCAA Div 1 and world level podium athletes. Provincial champions. As well as people with Type II diabetes. And joint pain. And a few extra lbs. Some had years of training experience. For others this was their first Saturday workout.It didn't matter what your story was....
3 Strategies to Removing the Negatives
- Chris Collins
- Training
- Motivational
- 843 Hits
There's one thing I've found that consistently leads to improvements on the training room floor and in competitive performance. And the thing is this is nothing new. And it works in all areas of life. For example, this approach will lead to a higher GPA in school. It leads to better fiscal health when it comes to your finances. And it improves your relationships. So what is this magical approach that appears to make life better across the board? Well, it's quite simple actually. And unfortunately it's something many people skip past. And here it is. Remove the negative. What? Really? That's what is going to lead to new gains? This will lead to more weight loss? This will reduce joint pain and allow for more efficient movement? Absolutely it will. So how do you identify what your negatives are? Are they the same as your training partner? And how do you go about eliminating them? With these questions in mind here are 3 Strategies to Removing the Negatives. Step #1 - What Do You Not Enjoy?Do you love chin ups? Or pull ups? Maybe you're a huge fan of Turkish Get Ups? I'm guessing 0-for-3 on the above. Which would be no surprise. We tend to steer away from the more challenging movements and exercises. In order to separate yourself from the average gym-goer you need to do the things the average gym-goer won't do. Find out what it is you struggle with and prioritze this in your workout. Step #2 - Add More Glutes, Hamstrings and LatsQuestion...what do the above muscle groups have in common? can't see them when you face a mirror. But most people go the gym and want flat abs, bigger biceps and a more powerful chest. So they do crunches, curls and bench press....
Pull the Plane Training Session
- Chris Collins
- Training
- Motivational
- OPP News
- 799 Hits
There are a few things Okanagan Peak Performance is synonomous. And these include physical feats, strong women and helping others. So when we were approached about sponsoring a team for the United Way's Plane Pull Challenge it was a no-brainer. But we're not just sponsoring any team. We're sponsoring a team made up 100% of women. And these women will probably be the only all-female team pulling a plane down the tarmac. I know they will put some of the men's teams to shame. I already know what Jordy and Megan can do on the weightroom floor and they don't ease up for anyone in competition. But this event is for charity and we need your help. The team needs to raise $750 as an entry fee. So here's what Okanagan Peak Performance is going to do. We're going to run a Pull the Plane Training Session at our facility on Saturday April 14, 2011 with a mimimum $20 donation. We will run two training sessions at 11 am and another at 1230 pm with a goal of having 20 people out for each session. 40 people get an awesome workout. The United Way collects a $800 donation for the entry fee. We get to have fun working your butt off! Everybody wins! Here are all the details.DateSaturday April 14, 2012Times11:00 AM-12:00 PM and 12:30 – 1:30 PMLocationOkanagan Peak Performance Inc. #123-1511 Sutherland Ave.What to bringIndoor athletic shoes, comfortable workout wear, water bottle, min $20 donation 5X Bonus - We want to throw something else in for you to make this day a little more memorable. Take your donation to the United Way and times it by 5. We will credit this much towards a membership for you on Saturday April 14, 2012 should you sign up that day. For example, donate...
Peak Performance Women Pull for Charity
- Chris Collins
- Motivational
- OPP News
- 850 Hits
So a few Saturday's ago we hosted a charity training session at Okanagan Peak Performance. The goal was to raise funds for a team of women we work with that is competing in the Pull the Plane Challenge. And while it may seem weird to state these ladies are competing in this charity event this is no mistake. These women aren't entering this event just to take part. When I mentioned the winning time from previous year's was 9-11 seconds their reply was 'we'll do it in 8!' Right on! I love that answer! But back to the fundraiser. We managed to raise $700 in a one hour training session. And many of you that weren't able to participate still were very generous to donate to this cause. In addition to the $700 raised from the training sessions I know Ric's Grill Restaurants, a Kettle Valley business and Dairy Queen (Gorges family) all made sizeable donations as well. So needless to say, in addition to the forth coming effort to actually pull the plane there will be a large donation being made for this cause. And on this Friday, May 11 these 12 ladies are going to pull the plane. They've even got costumes. I know they got shirts from Big Kahuna because Megan keeps me in the loop on these types of things. But I didn't know about the tutus! And apparatently they bought 13. I wasn't too sure what the extra one is for until I realized that I am leading the warm-ups for all the teams competing in this event... So that got me thinking about what I will do with these teams to get them ready. Because I will have all of about 3 minutes to meet them, warm them up and then send them over to pull the...
3 Ways to Have More Fitness Support
- Chris Collins
- Motivational
- 783 Hits
Remember back when you were in school? Maybe you're still in school and this is very familiar. But for those of us that aren't going to school anymore we'll have particular memories.Sometimes they are good memories of teachers that helped us get to the next level and develop. We probably did better in their classes and worked a little harder. And maybe we had some smart friends to do some group study sessions with to help us along.The point is when we have success in school, or in many other things for that matter, there is often someone else we can look to who helped us. With school this would have been a teacher, a tutor or a friend.But the cool thing is that this applies to all areas of your life. Think about it.When I think back to when I made the best gains in the gym it was when I had a training partner. But not just any training partner. It had to be someone who was equally committed. Someone who shared similar goals. And most importantly someone who was a step ahead of where I was. Someone who could show me the ropes and help me get to where I wanted to be.This is very similar to the saying that your income is related to the five people closest to you. That's not the exact expression but it's something along those lines anyways.And it applies to your health and fitness as well.We could hang with these 5 guys...or...with these 6 people.Most likely the second group is going to be a better influence. They will probably get more sleep. They will probably train more frequently and more intensely. They will make better nutritional choices. And they probably won't smoke and drink.Of course these are all generalizations.Fit people stay up too late....
Running Clinic:Update
- Chris Collins
- Training
- Motivational
- 915 Hits
Thanks to everyone who came out for our inagural running clinic last night! It was a great time, and I really enjoyed meeting each and every one of you. The fun starts now! Don't forget: We still have spots available in this fantastic program! Join us and see how we can help you run faster, longer, and injury free! See you at the gym, Matt
Reasons to Test Your Lifts + Powerlifting Results
Recently we held a power-lifting meet at Okanagan Peak Performance Inc. Below are the results of this lifting meet as well as some benefits of testing your lifts.Before we get to the results of the meet it is important to understand why we held this lifting competition. My goals and some of the main reasons were:1. To see where we're atHere's an analogy I like to use as to the benefits of testing.Imagine you want to go to Vancouver and you're starting out in Kelowna. But you don't know where Kelowna and couldn't pin it on a map.What are the chances you will reach your goal of getting to Vancouver? Probably not very good. And if you do make it what are the chances it was the most direct and efficient way of getting there? Again, probably not very good.When we test our lifts we set a starting point. We know where we are. We know what the next goal should be. We know how long it will take to get there. And we have a good idea of the most efficient way to achieve success.Given this is all common sense and fairly obvious isn't it surprising the number of people who train but don't test themselves?2. To identify weak linksI'm a big believer in addressing weak links. If weak links are ignored they come back o haunt as bigger, more painful problems.When we test our lifts we push ourselves to the limit. This exposes our weak links and lets us know what we need to do to improve.For example, for some people they missed their bench press as they couldn't lock out and complete the press. For this individual some more triceps training or rack presses would help overload the finishing portion of the lift to eliminate this weak link.3. To...
Student Drops 50 lbs! (less than 3 hrs per wk)
Hey guys! Megan here again, which can only mean one thing… time for another spotlight on one of our clients here at Okanagan Peak Performance Inc. How many of you have used an illness or an injury as a crutch to get yourself out of going to the gym? I know there are a few of you out there; because even I have been there in the past. Well, there is one girl I know that didn’t let anything get in the way of her weight loss. But I’ll let her take over now to you her story. Take it away Danielle. My name is Danielle Sambrielaz and I graduated from Immaculata Regional High School in Kelowna in 2011. I am currently at the University of British Columbia – Okanagan in my second year. -I’m only 19. I love languages and political science, and I am doing a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations with a minor in Spanish literature. I am planning on going on an exchange to Nottingham, England in my third year. I have struggled with weight loss for a long time. I just felt that I could not lose weight! I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2008 and after my surgery I thought my weight would become normal again. That was not the case! I was diagnosed with another medical condition that prevented me from losing weight, but the problem is that losing weight can also cure it! I had tried different types of gyms around Kelowna in the past, but nothing really worked. My mom (Lia) and brother (Gio) started going to this gym called Okanagan Peak Performance Inc., and it sounded very intense. My mom asked me if I wanted to come try the gym out, because my doctor told me I had to lose weight....
A Clients Speaks - Ugly When Naked?
- Chris Collins
- Fitness
- Motivational
- 862 Hits
Chris is not my first. By Chris, of course, I am referring to our fitness lord and savior, Christopher M. Collins. The MSc, CSCS, strength coach, gym founder and all-around guru-dude cracking the whip here at Okanagan Peak Performance Inc. Now you have to know that I’m not bragging about this. To have gone through seven or perhaps even eight different trainers in the last twenty years or so is not exactly a badge of honour. I want nothing more than for Chris to finally be my last. It’s been a solid two decades since I first went to war with my body. And throughout that time I have enjoyed my share of victories and defeats, along with more general frustration and base-line annoyance than I could ever shake a foam roller at. (and if you don’t know what that analogy means then I guess you gotta join OPP…) Sure I can get motivated but I can also give up. I can get happy and excited but slip just as fast to angry and frustrated. The battle is never-ending, for me at least. Now I recognize tagging this intensely personal struggle as a “war” may not be a particularly healthy way to view such things, but in all honesty that is exactly how it’s progressed. I fight my way down the weight ladder (or up the fitness one) only to lose focus or somehow self-sabotage and muck things up anew. I’m petulant, impatient and easily distracted. I’m also slow-moving and easy, until I get annoyed and flip out in an instant. I am as active and as diligent as I can be lazy like a sloth. Add in decades of marinating my over-stimulated consciousness within a brew of media-perfected imagery crossed with Hollywood outcomes and you’re left with a forty-two year...
Changing Your Fitness Mindset
- Chris Collins
- Fitness
- Motivational
- 914 Hits
When you go to the gym, do you need to change your fitness mindset to be more successful? How badly do you want to achieve your goal? What are you willing to do? For some, a strong fitness mindset is more geared towards performance and an athlete's perspective. But what about the rest of us? [caption id="attachment_3106" align="aligncenter" width="275"] The proper fitness mindset leads to great results. Do our goals matter any less? Is our health any less important? Don’t Let Yourself Off the Hook Sometimes we let ourselves off the hook by approaching our fitness mindset with a casual attitude. We compare ourselves to the general population and know that we are doing more than our co-workers, a particular relative, or a friend. Unfortunately these people aren't the epitome of health and fitness. So when we use this as the measuring stick we feel good about ourselves and satisfied that our efforts our adequate. Approach Your Fitness Mindset Differently I'd like you to suspend reality and imagine you could achieve great things with your health, fitness and performance training. You could deadlift 500+ lbs. You could run a sub 3:45 kilometer. You could lose 45 lbs. You could rid yourselves of your nagging joint pain. If these could all be true, would you approach your training differently? Would you approach your nutrition differently? Who you approach your rest and recovery differently? Of course you would! Any high level athlete has to have a certain level of confidence that they can win, achieve great things, and are capable of being the best in their sport. Once they have this level of confidence then we see the extra attention to their training, nutrition, rest, recovery and overall focus. There will always be some exceptions to this rule, but for the...
Ugly When Naked - New Fitness Program
- Chris Collins
- Fitness
- Training
- Motivational
- 957 Hits
Well the clock just ticked into March and that means me and my little training buddy (whom I will simply refer to as “Dave” thanks to my congenital lack of respect for his personal privacy) got a whole new mess of exercises to learn. Now personally I love getting a set of fresh moves. And it’s not that I’m a hyper-keener or something. Sure, I like learning new things and acquiring new experiences and all but the main reason they garner my affection so is that as an inherently lazy sod the first couple weeks doing them usually allows for a ton of rest time as we “perfect” (wink-wink) our overall form. Compare that to the ones we already know that simply grow in weight or complexity from week to week. Seriously, some of the hardcore ones even give me night sweats just thinking about them…. (see wall pushups and nearly anything involving the general area around my waist…) Changing Up the Program Keeps Things Fresh I certainly understand the accepted reasons for changing things up. I mean, if we just concentrated on the exact same movements, day in and out, for months on end we’d either overwork certain areas of the body well-past exhaustion or develop some sort of weird muscle enhancement that looks more like the results of an experimental drug trial. Another risk-factor, at least to my mind, is the opportunity to get sloppy as you rush through stuff ‘cause now you think you know it all. Basically, by getting too comfortable at the gym you become “that guy.” You know him, the silly knob that always uses too much weight in some bizarre quest to either pop a ring of blood vessels in his neck or perhaps detach his quadriceps whilst screaming like the Hulk? Trainers Help...
Ugly When Naked - Struggles of a Fitness Community
- Chris Collins
- Fitness
- Motivational
- 927 Hits
- 1 Comment
It’s kind of ironic that I’m writing on anything to do with fitness. Without a doubt, there are quite literally thousands upon thousands of sport/health braniacs far better qualified (and way more suitable to the task) of documenting fitness journeys than a dumb chud like me. I have spent no time studying “the body” (unless you count the annual SI swimsuit issue, cough, cough….and maybe others….) or investigating proper, peer-reviewed, bon fide research into the latest findings on sport nutrition. In fact, all I’ve ever really learned diet-wise is that pooping scarlet for two days is not necessarily proof of an internal hemorrhage (thank you so much, red beets). I’m a terrible fitness example. But it gets worse. Fitness Assessment Scarring As embarrassing as it is to admit, there are darn few weirdo diet/exercise/workout schemes in existence that I have not considered (or even tried) over the course of my life. Truly, no idea or suggestion was too loony or whacked out for me. If it promised a body like a superhero I was there, ready and willing to believe. Now, in my own defense, this clearly self-destructive journey mainly started when I decided to try acting. That led to having my body assayed by a Hollywood casting director. Bad enough that his job by its very nature is fairly surface-oriented – he’s casting for a physical “look,” not a healthy self-image – and it’s not his business to worry about how said look comes about. Also, for the record, I will note that said casting director was gay. I say this not as some affront to anything but rather to highlight the additional damage inflicted on my psyche. Specifically, let’s just say actresses aren’t the only ones who get to feel icky and uncomfortable as they disrobe for an “assessment.”...
How to Break Weight Loss Plateaus
THE PLATEAUI’m a climber. Not in the traditional sense though. I don’t own the fancy, grippy shoes or do finger-tip pull ups or anything like that. I’m just a guy that keeps trying to get higher (or better) no matter what situation he’s in. Now, if you’re an actual rock climber, I’d say reaching a plateau is probably a good thing. You’ve been crawling and scrambling and sweating your butt off climbing on up and you’ve finally reached an area where you can actually sit down and have a rest without (as much) risk of falling to your death. But if it’s not rocks you’re climbing and the battle is more along the lines of losing weight/inches than I can assure you a plateau is just about the least fun you’re ever gonna have.I guess when it comes to the culture of fitness “plateaus” are fairly common. I have no idea of the scientific or even physiological reasons behind them (Chris tried to explain but my eyes glazed over after a few seconds). [Chris here...let me step in for a moment and see if I can answer the question regarding plateaus and help generate a better result for Jarrod and anyone who has experienced a plateau.] Weight Loss Plateaus Aren't All Bad First of all it is important to recognize that a plateau isn't necessarily a bad thing. Seriously think about it this way. If you've reached a plateau then that means you must have ascended to some level of accomplishment with your training but the results didn't continue. But that's the difference between a plateau where you achieve a result and simply getting started on a training program that ellicits no results whatsover. Big difference. The second reason a plateau may not be a bad idea is because it is...
Fitness Family - It's Not Just for Mom & Dad
- Chris Collins
- Fitness
- Training
- Motivational
- 809 Hits
FITNESS FAMILY I just dropped my twelve-year old son off at the gym. He goes every second day for tennis lessons – and then every other day for matches. But that’s beside the point. The interesting thing for me is that he is twelve and I am taking him to HIS gym – a place separate from my own. Add to this that my wife heads off to her women's only gym each day too. Plus, we have a treadmill at home, weight bench, weights, mats, strength cords, etc. I cannot believe how much fitness and fitness-related activities have become such a massive part of our lives. When my kids whine (and believe me they do, a lot) it’s often along the lines of “Are you and mom going to the gym AGAIN?” Fitness Family for the New Millenium My parents never went to a gym – or really ever exercised formally in any way. We did tons of stuff together. We played sports, rode bikes, games, ran, jumped, playgrounds, what have you but the idea of a gym or a trainer was simply non-existent to us. For years my dad worked at jobs that were both physical and tough on the body. He didn’t need cardio and weight training. He got them at work. And mom had way less labour saving devices helping her out at home the way we do now. But it was also different then. The suggestion that you needed to run like some hamster in a wheel was mocked and laughed at. Who did that sort of thing, except maybe some Hollywood celebs and the odd body-building fitness weirdo? Nobody – that’s who. And that reality wasn’t so long gone in the rear-view either. I listened to ex-CFLer Jay Christiansen explain that not only did he fail to weight...
Amazing Transformation for Students
For the last little while we, the coaches at Okanagan Peak Performance Inc, have been working with some students from a school here in Kelowna.But this isn't like your typical school. Sure it has teenagers, who wear uniforms and leave the changeroom looking like a bomb went off when they get changed.No this school is unique in that the students are from everywhere other than Kelowna. They are from Ontario and the prairies. From Alberta and the lower mainland. And all parts in between.But where home is at isn't what unites these students, in fact it actually distinguishes them. No the common denominator here is that these students have all faced some challenges in their short years on this planet. For many of them their challenge may have been substance abuse.The other unique feature of this program is that sometimes these don't know they are coming to this school and program. As with all children and minors there is a parent or guardian who looks out for their best interests and sometimes that involves making the decision to send them to this school.So sometimes when these students arrive at this school, and they didn't know they were coming here, they may be some resistance on their part regarding buying into the process. They may actually act like teenagers and rebel. Crazy, right? Teenagers that don't want to do what what their parents, teachers or guardians want them to do.But not only are they sometimes here reluctantly they may also have done damage to their health by the lifestyle they have been following. Healthy living, proper nutrition and exercise aren't front of mind for these kids. And now they've been sent to a school they didn't know they were going to, away from their friends, against their will. And since for some...
Matt's Farewell Blog
Matt Baumeister Final Blog PostHi everyone,Matt here again. Here I go, writing to you for one last time. As many of you know, I will soon be starting another phase of my life as I travel to Vancouver to begin a Master’s degree program in Physiotherapy. As I write this final column, I can’t help but stop and reflect on some of the great times and learning experiences I have had over the past year. Working alongside such a great mentor as Chris has been a fabulous learning opportunity, and has undoubtedly made me a better and more balanced professional. Perhaps my fondest memory will be of our 80’s workout themed Halloween dress-up day! Simply legendary would be an apt way to describe it.And who could forget those two lovely ladies – Megan and Jordy? Although I have yet to receive any frozen remuneration from a certain Dairy Queen Heiress (who shall invariably remain nameless) I am indebted to each of these girls for the support and encouragement they have provided me every step of the way.In addition to reflecting upon my colleagues and mentors, I also find myself reflecting on my own work as well. If you take anything from this blog - or from me for that matter, I hope to be thought of as a kind, smart and encouraging trainer who had an affinity for dubiously short-shorts and an ever present love for styling his hair. And, perhaps something should be mentioned about an unquenchable thirst for Arizona Ice Tea here as well.Of course, who could forget all of you? Yes you, the clients of this great facility, the life-blood of any fitness community. In the past year I have come to know many of you much better and in turn each of you have no doubt made...
Top 7 Reasons for Entering a Competitive Sporting Event
- Chris Collins
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Team OPP just returned from the Tough Mudder in Whistler. And we killed it!By this I mean that we all:* completed the race* didn't suffer any type of injury* all bounced back as quickly as the next day* shaved up to 50 minutes off last year's time (way to go girls!)But what about you?Have you ever trained for a specific race or event?Maybe it was a triathlon or a powerlifting competition. You might like to run and entered a 10 k or half marathon.Whatever the event was there are a number of benefits of putting your name down for an event. Below are the Top 7 Reasons for Entering a Competitive Sporting Event.#1 - Increased Training IntensityFor most people knowing that they will have to face some type of challenge will help them to dig a little deeper during training and push harder.For me it was the hill beside the ski jump at Olympic Park in Whistler. Last year this climb destroyed me and I kept reminding myself that this wasn't going to be a repeat. Every step on the sand-dunes or run around the block with a sandbag was inspired by the thought of last year's event.But even if you don't have a previous experience to draw upon it's pretty easy to picture your opponent doing a little extra to gain an advantage. And you don't want them to get ahead or in competition when it matters so you up your game as well.#2 - End Point in SightWhich is harder to train indefinitely until a coach says 'stop' or to perform a set amount of an exercise, even if it's a lot, and know you're done when you get there?Obviously knowing when you're done is easier. And when you're going through a tough phase of training it's much easier...
Take the Path of Least Resistance
Do you have a fitness goal that you've been working towards for a while?If it's a weight loss goal you've probably tried different approaches. You may have tried a new training program. Maybe you switched up your nutritional plan. Perhaps you tried a new supplement to boost your workouts or enhance the fat burning process.And if you're like most people you probably have only so many tweaks you can make to your lifestyle in an attempt to achieve your goal before you just throw in the towel and give up. I mean that's a common theme on the after-noon talk shows isn't it? The attitude that it's not your fault, that you're an amazing person just the way you are and all the other warm & fuzzy psycho babble that is used to justify falling short of your goal.Now don't get wrong here. I understand there are a number of factors that contribute to an individual's propensity to gain weight and subsequent ability to lose it as well. And unless we have a blood and hormone profile to work with it may be quite difficult for some to drop weight without knowing the information that can be collected from such tests.But maybe we're going about this the wrong way?Maybe instead of trying harder we need to relax our efforts a bit.What? How does this make sense? How can relaxing the nutritional and exercise efforts you are making be holding you back from having the lean and healthy physique you would like to have?Look at it this way.A new exercise and fitness routine can be thought of as juggling.Ask someone to reduce the calorie containing beverages they consume and they may be able to handle this. (more on this in a bit)Now ask them to take omega-3 every day, plan and pack...
Dad Is Fat - But Doesn't Have To Be
When you get out of the shower are you happy with what you see? Based on the title of this blog I'm obviously talking to the guys here. Although there may be a few wives that quickly answered for them before their husbands had a chance. But seriously though are you happy with the way your body looks? No sucking in your gut. No standing sideways to the mirror. No adjusting the dimmer switch to create the perfect lighting conditions where you look your best. There are a number of things working against here and you can quickly see the difference a few decades can have on the male physique. From when we were teenagers and could eat anything any everything and burn off all this extra energy. To our twenties where we first heard the term 'freshman ten' or in some cases 'twenty'. And later to our thirties where some of the cool styles and fashion trends don't necessarily suit the body of the out-of-shape thirty something. And now that I'm in my forties I see more and more people of this vintage looking more like their parents than their kids. We look less like our high school grad pictures and more like the old pictures of relatives we would smile at when looking through photo albums. Why does this happen? And more importantly, is there anything we can do about it? Well to answer the first question would take more than a blog post unto itself. But the short answer is that we aren't the young kids smiling back at us in those pictures from summer vacation 15 or 20 years ago. We aren't producing anywhere near the same amount of androgens as we did up until our early twenties. The levels of testosterone, DHEA, androstenedione (Mark Maguire) in...
My Weekend Trip to Spokane
- Chris Collins
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Have you ever done something that you thought 'This is not what I signed up for' or 'I'm not sure if I want to be doing this'? This is how I felt last weekend. I was done to Spokane to play in a charity golf tournament for a foundation that supports families of kids with cancer. And this is not the part I had regrets about. Instead it had to do with Saturday morning. Actually let's back that up. It all started on Friday night. I drove down to Washington and arrived at my friend Tim's place to find out he was over another friend's house for 'men's night'. Now I wasn't sure what this meant but since getting up at 5 am, working all day and then driving almost 6 hours I wasn't overly upset about missing out and potentially getting to sleep a little earlier. But Tim, being the good friend and gracious host that he is, came home to bring me back to the party. As we drove up to the home where this was all happening I thought to myself 'are we on the set of MTV cribs?' Let's just say this was a beautiful home with lots of food, beer, wine and drinks of every kind. I was introduced to a CAT-5 which is a drink with ties to New Orleans and hurricanes. At about 1230 am I thought it was time to go when we were all summoned outside for steaks. Now I understand most things Americans say but this made sense. I mean we had already eaten and had more than our fill of drink when I realized they had steaks ready on the Green Egg. ***quick side note...if you've never tried food on a Green Egg you don't know what you're missing*** By...
Chin ups and TGUs at 70 years young
Hey! How’s it going? It’s Megan here and I’ve got a great success story to share with you. This story is about Lorie Talarico and she has realized some amazing results over the last bit with her training. You know Lorie, right? Out side of working full time as a beauty consultant at The Bay, Lorie likes to read in her spare time, do embroidery and in the summer spends lots of time gardening. Now before I get to telling everything Lorie has achieved in a short amount of time I should back up and give you the background. You see Lorie was someone who first came to us to see Chris and Okanagan Peak Performance Inc for advice. “Actually, you could say that pain brought me to see you guys. Between getting hit by a truck while out walking and then ending up with sciatica, which is 24/7 pain, I felt I needed help. My goal was just to get and feel better.” Maybe you can relate to Lorie in sharing these same challenges such as getting into an accident or having injuries, low back pain, or feeling intimidated, having an illness or something else standing in the way of optimal health? But even though Lorie had these challenges before her, she still had the goal of getting stronger and being able to move better and freely without pain. “Wow in the beginning I could barely move and getting down to start warm up exercises was very painful and humbling, as I could not get up with out assistance. It was tough to go to every class but I knew I had to get back into good condition. I had to deal with vertigo, back and hip pain and weakness in all of my muscles. The other challenge was how...
13 Bonus Hours to Train
- Chris Collins
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- Motivational
- 850 Hits
If you're like most people you'll find that time is a commodity in short supply. We all probably wish we had more time in the day to spend with our family and friends, to exercise and to sleep. Not many people in the last few days of their life are thinking 'I wish I gone in to work more'. So if we're all busy what can we do about? Well the first thing is to prioritize the things of value in your life. The second thing is allocate time to each of these priorities based on how important it is to you. If you rank family high on your list of priorities than you want to be doing things that allow you spend time and/or speak to them as much as possible. But rather than get into a discussion about what matters in your life and how well you are doing to invest in these areas I want to show you ways that can find 13 bonus hours to train. Now you need to realize this is based on 5 minutes per day and 3 workouts per week over a year. This amount to 780 minutes or 13 hours per year. How much closer would you be to your goal with an additional 13 hours per year? How much better would your health be? How much more weight could you lose? You get the idea. So without further ado here are ways to find 13 Bonus Hours to Train. 1. Use Antagonist Movements The typical bodybuilding or beach body workout involves 3 sets of 10 reps of a particular exercise. After completing 10 reps you rest for the prescribed amount of time and then complete your remaining sets. Let's use the example of doing bench press followed by 1 arm dumbbell...
Does this Motivate or Intimidate?
- Chris Collins
- Fitness
- Motivational
- 823 Hits
When we bring on a new member to our team we want to ensure we're on the same page when it comes all aspects of training, nutrition, recovery, mindset and everything else related to attaining a goal for a client.And typically I'll quiz them as to 'what is most important?'Many of them will say nutrition is the most important. Others will reply that when the nutrition is already dialed in, as it is for many athletes, than the training is most important.We also get a variety of other responses such as coaching, programming, recovery and other things that influence the types of results we may see when working with someone.But none of these are the most important.Don't get me wrong. They are hugely important and depending on the individual, their level of training and the goal(s) they are working towards, all of the elements they mentioned are crucial to success.But where somebody's head is at is the most important. If they believe in the process good things will happen. If they are prepared to give their best good things will happen. If they are prepared to do whatever it takes than the outcome is generally positive.[caption id="attachment_3739" align="alignleft" width="207"] Does this motivate or intimidate?So knowing this I'm curious as to how people respond when fitness professionals post ads with pictures of lean, athletic models with bullet point notes about the person's situation in life. The whole ad is then framed around the statement 'What's your excuse?'.Since ads of this type have started appearing I am becoming more aware of new terminology. Or terminology that's new to me anyways. I'm referring to terms such as:fat-shaminghate-speech (not really new, but new to fitness blogs)bullying (again, not new but new as it applies to fitness headlines)C'mon! Really? Have we as a society gotten this insecure that...
4 Levels to Learning
What does it take to succeed?For the sake of this conversation I'm referring to athletic performance but the same analogies would apply for success in weight loss, injury rehab or any other physical pursuit.What does it take to be at that top level?I like to refer to something we refer to as 4 Levels of Learning and here's what is looks like.Level 1 - Unconscious Incompetence[caption id="attachment_3772" align="alignleft" width="180"] Don't waste your efforts going the wrong wayBasically this means 'you don't know what you don't know'. Someone is making mistake and spinning their wheels but has no idea this is happening.For example, imagine if were in a running race and you made a wrong turn. So you are going in the exact opposite direction of the finish line. You run as hard as you can giving your best effort but are surprised when at the awards ceremony you aren't on the podium receiving a medal.You can't understand it? You ran hard. You pushed yourself as much as the winners, if not more, yet you are not rewarded for your efforts.Another way of thinking about this would be to watch someone in the weight-room with terrible technique performing some type of exercise.Let's use kettlebell swings as the example. The person doing the swings has heard all of the great benefits of swings yet continues to suffer injuries and doesn't see any improvements in their performance.Yet when any coach sees them swing they cringe and want to help them fix their technique.In both these situations we have individuals who are making mistakes but don't even know it. It's this type of situation where people who do nothing may see better results due to the fact the efforts of the ones trying are full of errors.Level 2 - Conscious IncompetenceFor this level let's continue...
3 takeaways from Hawaii
I'm just finishing a vacation with my family in Hawaii. And it's been a great week to spend time together and relax. But even though I'm on vacation there are still times when I notice little things that will help me as a coach. Below are the 3 takeaways from my time in Hawaii. Slow down to learnIt seems as though everything in life is automatic and has to happen now. We can stream pretty much anything online without having to wait, do our banking in our pyjamas and have learned that we don't need to wait. While I was snorkelling near Waikoloa I would float over a some corral and not notice too much. I could very easily have changed directions, looked elsewhere or switched gears and grabbed a boogie board instead. But I waited and just floated there for a second. And a variety of life came out from hiding. Fish that had tucked under the corral or stopped moving to blend in with it assumed everything was safe. The amount of life, colour and activity that presented itself was amazing. It's all because I gave it 5 seconds to develop for me. Do the same thing with your training. Don't rush things. Be patient. Really learn to listen to your body, to the movement and to notice the subtle aspects of your training. Because if you're always in a race you'll miss a lot of the little, very important lessons right in front of you. There is always lots to improveAs you become more patient with your training you will notice more things that you can improve. Take breathing as an example. The complex where we were staying at had a gym. And by gym I mean a 10x10 foot room with a treadmill, bike, elliptical and a...
The Best Nutrition and Training Rx
I've just returned from a fitness conference in Las Vegas. And while this will help us train all the people in Kelowna to lose weight, stabilize their joints and perform at their best, some of the info isn't new. Consider for example the analogy used by Martin Rooney. [caption id="attachment_3914" align="alignleft" width="278"] Martin Rooney with Mark WahlbergIf you're not familiar with Martin Rooney he's a strength coach from New Jersey that worked with a lot of top MMA fighters. More recently he has relocated to North Carolina and now focusses on helping people transforming their lives with exercise. Anyways, Martin's analogy went something like this...'Are you familiar with broccoli?'. And almost everyone you are asking this to will nod their head in agreement. Then he will ask 'Did you know broccoli is one of the healthiest foods you can eat providing vitamins, minerals and helping prevent disease?'. An again everyone you are asking this will nod along with you as this is not new information. Next he will ask 'Are you making sure everyone you know is eating broccoli?'. And typically this is where the people he is talking to stop nodding and return a blank stare. Because although everyone knows something is good and we make sure to do it ourselves we aren't encouraging everyone else to do it as well. And if you work in this industry this can make you feel like a failure. This can happen because the info to a better life is readily available everyone can access it. And this info is simple and easy to understand. And because this info has huge value when applied to someone's life. So what do I mean by simple info? Well in terms of nutrition I mean to eat protein, veggies and drink water. Water is really obvious...
Losing Weight & Getting Stronger at Kelowna Training Facility
Hey! How’s it going? It’s Megan here and I’ve got a great success story to share with you. This story is about Rick and he has realized some amazing results over the last bit with his training. You know Rick, right? [caption id="attachment_3930" align="alignleft" width="300"] Rick drops 30 lbs, 3% bodyfat and 10 inches. He is usually in at 7am for group and works at Venture Academy. Besides that he is also a husband, an outrigger paddler and works a few different jobs, and that makes the results he has achieved even more impressive. Now before I get to telling everything Rick has achieved in a short amount of time I should back up and give you the background. You see Rick was someone who has always struggled with maintaining a healthy body weight. “I have really experienced the body weight "roller coaster". At 6'1", I hit 265lbs in 2005 and again reached almost to 260lbs in the summer of 2013. On the other hand, I was 205lbs at the end of 2006 and held around 215lbs until getting injured in 2010. The first time, before I started running in 2005, it was a visit to "Michelangelo's Restaurant" in Seattle the night before my brother ran the Seattle Marathon. Essentially, the waiter called me fat. In retrospect, and especially compared to the three skinny marathoners at the table, he was right.” “My biggest challenge was walking in the door the first time. I admit I felt intimidated - OPP is a "REAL GYM"!!! I've done the Y and community center facilities, but that was mostly just circuit machines. Real, high-performance athletes train at OPP and I was nervous. But, the staff has always been very welcoming and helped me overcome my nerves. Since then, I have faced two challenges. The first...
What Motivates You?
- Chris Collins
- Fitness
- Motivational
- 864 Hits
What motivates you? I mean in terms of your health and fitness what encourages you to do the training, to eat healthy foods, to get enough sleep and to basically care enough to take of your health? And not only is this different for all of us it is different for each of us at different points in our lives. For example, I'll admit that when I was younger my reasons for living a healthy life were different than they are today. Actually I should re-phrase that. When I was younger the reasons for my decisions were more aesthetic then performance or health oriented. Case in point, I would be diligent in training, eating quality foods and buying whatever supplements I could afford in order to look my best. On the weekends I would hope all my efforts would help attract the attention of the opposite sex. In fact, as a university student I quickly realized a few things about supplements: 1. Not all of them work as advertised. 2. They were all marketed towards helping me achieve my end goal. 3. They were expensive. Expensive in the sense that as a university student it wasn't cheap to find another $200 per month for bars, shakes, protein powders and creatine. So to that end I found a solution. I realized the Court Club in Regina was not selling supplements so I approached the owner Carm about letting me help set them up with an account to sell supplements. By doing so I was able to purchase supplements at cost through the distributor using the gym's account. So you can see I was pretty motivated to train, eat healthily and have access to discounted supplements. But nowadays my priorities have changed. Now my goals are more about my health, being able to...
The Ultimate Training Motivation - Train with a Sibling
- Chris Collins
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- Motivational
- 884 Hits
If you've been training for some time you'll be able to recall periods when your training was dialled in. You made great gains. You were strong. You looked great. And the results were almost expected. [caption id="attachment_4069" align="alignleft" width="300"] End result of training in your twenties. This training phase is commonly referred to as 'your twenties'. This is when you could eat whatever you wanted, have the most irregular sleep routine in existence, go out for beer and wings and still see good things happen as a result of your strength training. But besides being young and having all the physical advantages that come with youth there were other reasons that training in my twenties was great for results. And a big part of that had to do with the fact I was training with my brother Jon. If you know Jon you're probably smiling right now as he's a very funny guy that everyone can relate a memorable experience that involves him. And if you don't know him than imagine someone that does quite well academically but is probably as good if not better at interacting with different people. In other words his IQ was matched, if not exceeded, by his EQ (intelligence emotional quotient). Anyways at a certain point in our young lives Jon and I decided that we would both head off to Saskatchewan for university. And since we were both into training at the time it made for a natural and obvious training partner situation for the two of us. We were both training to get as big and as strong as we could. So we would follow similar training programs. And we would eat similar meal plans. And we would invest, when we could afford them, in similar training supplements. But while all these things were beneficial to...
Fitness Training - Whose Decision Is It?
- Chris Collins
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- Motivational
- 799 Hits
If you've trained with OPP for a while you've probably seen the wide variety of clientele that we have the pleasure of training. From post-rehab to body transformation and sports performance there is a huge range in training goals. [caption id="attachment_4154" align="alignleft" width="300"] Clients train for a variety of goals at OPP. One of the groups we work with doesn't really fall into any of these categories. While there may be some in this group that have played sports they aren't preparing for an upcoming season. And others may benefit from a little more lean body mass they aren't coming for this goal. And others still have have some type of injury but that isn't what brought them to us either. You see these students are from a school here in Kelowna which is a school that helps young people facing different types of challenges in their lives. These challenges may be substance/alcohol abuse, behavioural problems or some other type of conflict. Now since these are students they are still under the care of a parent or guardian. In other words it is usually someone else's decision that results in attending this school and ultimately training at Okanagan Peak Performance Inc. Think about that for a second... Imagine that someone else decided to send you to OPP? Imagine that it wasn't your choice to train? And that one day you ended up at our facility and someone such as Graeme, Megan, Jordy or myself was telling you to do squats, deadlifts, chin-ups and burpees? When we start with a new client there is one thing that determines success more than anything else and it has nothing to do with training, nutrition, recovery or supplements. Before we can worry about dropping 6 inches off the waist and hips we need to ensure the 6...
How to Have a Wolverine-like Body
- Chris Collins
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Have you seen X-Men? If you have (and if you're female) you're probably smiling to yourself as you recall Hugh Jackman (why is he shirtless so much?) from this movie. [caption id="attachment_4215" align="alignleft" width="300"] Muscular, lean & ripped. To say Jackman got in shape for his role as Wolverine would be an understatement. Jackman is ripped and has veins popping all over his chest, arms, and shoulders. So you probably have to be Hollywood star to achieve these kinds of results, right? I mean, this isn't the stuff of mere mortals. You'd need to be some kind of mutant to get in this kind of shape, right? Not necessarily. You can have similar results to Wolverine. And here's how. Tip #1 Make it your jobApproach your training as though it was your occupation. Lucky for him, Jackman has incentives to look great on the big screen. About twenty million of them. But what about the rest of us? We probably don't draw huge cheques based on the results we achieve from our training. But let's suspend reality for a second and pretend that we could. What would you change about your training? What time would you start? How many training sessions would you miss? What would your intensity be like during those sessions? It doesn't matter what we do for a living. Pretend that you are a big star and train accordingly. You will be on a forty foot big screen. And all your flaws and imperfections will be there for the world to see. And your subsequent offers and pay cheques will be related to your current training efforts. Kind of changes the approach we bring to our training, doesn't it? Tip #2 Do it first thing in the morningWith all this pressure riding on a jaw-dropping physique, when do...
Making the Most of Life in Canada
When Canada Day comes around every July 1 there are a number of thoughts that come to mind. Things such as the day off work, hot weather, going to the beach and fireworks are all associated with our national holiday. But when it comes to thinking about our great country there are many ways to feel grateful and blessed for being born, growing up and living in Canada. Because sometimes I can get a little worked about how we can take what we have for granted. For example, who has heard the expression the 'EI ski team'? I mean it's great that we have programs in place to help people out when they need it but often times there is abuse of these programs. Or we hear of people complaining of how disadvantaged they are. How they feel like they are owed something. How they won't vote because all politicians are criminals anyways so what's the point? These kinds of attitudes drive me crazy. We live in a country of such abundance, opportunity and wealth that I really don't have any time for people that want to live in a world of 'woe is me' and constant complaining. And so it is refreshing to meet someone who loves what we have here in Canada. Someone who recognizes opportunity and is willing to work to get ahead. And strangely enough this person is not even from Canada. It was probably a few years ago that I met Magnus at a friend's party. And I can remember the guy smiling the whole time and having a blast. And I learned he was from Germany and used to be a professional snowboarder. I have gone up to Big White with him and witnessed first hand the crazy stunts and tricks he pulls off flying...
Four Reasons to Compete
- Chris Collins
- Fitness
- Training
- Motivational
- 950 Hits
For anyone that's been training for a while sometimes you need a reason to carry on with the efforts. Because when we first get started it can be easy to get motivated for training.[caption id="attachment_4272" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Get to that start line and good things follow.Sometimes we are exposed to a new style of training that we really like. And we meet new people. And we develop a new skill. And because we are new at this type of training the gains come quickly at the beginning.Consider for example someone who is active but has never done any resistance training. This person goes for runs, plays rec soccer and does yoga. But they have never done any type of lifting.In the first few months they may go from controlling their own bodyweight during an overhead squat, to doing a goblet squat with 65 pounds and eventually back squatting 240 lbs. Obviously this rate of progression does not continue indefinitely or everyone would be squatting 1000 lbs within a year.So for those people who aren't newbies to lifting how do they find purpose with their training? How do they continue to improve? How do they ensure they are on the right track?The answer is to enter a competitive event. And below are three reasons to enter a competitive sporting event.#1 - Know Thy NumbersFor people that train they can quickly rattle of what they squat, bench or deadlift. But these numbers are based on gym training sessions. These are numbers that were generated with our buddies spotting us maybe a little too generously. These were numbers we gave ourselves based on our interpretation of complete range of motion and ideal technique. Enter a powerlifting meet and you quickly find out how everything changes.But besides the fact that your best-ever lift in one particular lift is...
How to Achieve a Training Goal
- Chris Collins
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When was the last time you achieved something substantial with your fitness training? For example, when was the last time you set out to compete in a race and succeeded? Or you put your mind to losing the extra 20 lbs you've been carrying around? Or you made an effort to address the knee pain that's been holding you back from skiing and other activities?For most people this is an ongoing cycle of disappointment when it comes to training. And unfortunately for these same people there are a number of reasons (cough, cough excuses) why success was not realized.'I ran out of my supplements during the training phase''My training partner quit on me''I got really busy (at home, work, in general)''I wasn't sure what to do and how to do it'This last weekend Okanagan Peak Performance Inc was proud to host the 3rd Annual Okanagan Strength & Conditioning Conference. Speakers and attendees came to Kelowna for 3 days of learning, networking and professional development. And from one speaker to the next there was a theme that kept popping up. And this theme had to do with how you approach a goal or task.[caption id="attachment_4286" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Plan the hunt. Do the hunt. Review the hunt.For example when Dr. Stephen Norris, vice-president of Winsport Canada, spoke he talked about the importance of having a plan, executing the plan and then reviewing the plan. And when noted-strength coach Dan John spoke he compared the concept to hunting. He said you need to plan the hunt, then do the hunt and finally evaluate the hunt.Below I'll break down in more detail what each of the presenters was getting at and how to apply it to your own situation.Step 1 - Have a PlanThe sad truth is that most people that approach tasks in life...
Amazing Results for Darlene Sunderland
Hey! How’s it going? I hope you're doing well as I’ve got a great success story to share with you. This story is about Darlene Sunderland and she has realized some amazing results over the last bit with her training. You know Darlene, right? She usually trains with group at 6am. If you can’t put a face to the name, she’s the one whose chanting AH CHA CHA CHA or dancing to the Black Eyed Peas in between sets. Besides that she is also very dedicated to her partner, her job and running ½ marathons. Darlene is a great example of someone who is willing to put in the work to get what she wants. She’ll work a nightshift until 7 am and still meets us to run sand dunes at 730 am. She’s well deserving of the results she has achieved here with us. Now, before I get to telling you everything Darlene has achieved in a short amount of time I should back up and give you the background. I’ll let Darlene take over here for a bit. “I live a pretty boring life, but I love what I do and my life. I enjoy going for long hikes with my dogs, running, traveling, learning and spending time in the wild. I also have this newfound love for running up hills. Some may call me crazy because I also really enjoy cleaning my house. I find cleaning to be very therapeutic. I guess overall, I love to stay busy. Rock Your Jeans Got Her StartedIt was a chain reaction on how I rolled through the Okanagan Peak Performance Inc doors (no pun intended). My partner is a member of OPP, and I kept noticing a change in her fitness level & health since she joined and wished that I...
The Benefits of the Placebo Effect
Whenever we add a new member to our team we use a fairly standard evaluation process. And this includes asking what they think is the most important element lending to the success of the client.And their answers vary from:'Nutrition is the most important. You can't out-train a poor diet. And society in general is eating poorer quality food and more of it.'Can't argue with that.Others will say:'Getting enough varied and intense exercise is the key. With some many modern conveniences we can work, shop and be entertained without getting off the couch. Plus fewer schools, in the US, offer physical education and kids are more into social media and gaming.'Good points for sure.Really confident young coaches will say:'The coaching is the most important. Showing people the proper and safe way to train allows them to lift more intensely than otherwise. Plus they the individual is accountable to another person ensuring better compliance to the process.'Ok, yeah that makes sense.And still others will argue that:'The program is the most important. As long as you have a solid plan for what is supposed to be done, how much and when, anyone can implement the instructions and get the same results.'I wouldn't disagree with that one either.But guess what? They'd all be wrong. Because the first and most important consideration for achieving a rehab, weight loss or performance goal is mindset.If you believe you will fail, you already have. If you don't trust in the process you are just going through the motions. And if you don't believe that you can achieve great results you won't.When I look back after all the years of working in the fitness and performance industry there is one common feature of those who achieved the best results. And that was their positive mindset. It was the belief that they could do...
13 Traits of Those Achieving the Best Results in the Gym
Have you ever the expression 'success leaves clues'? Even if you haven't heard of this one you are probably familiar with some version of it that has to do with modelling the traits of successful people. And while this list applies specifically to results in the gym you could very easily substitute the title to emphasize to entrepreneurs or something else and the same traits would apply. So with that in mind here are 13 Traits of Those Achieving the Best Results in the Gym. 1. They look for solutions not excusesClients that achieve the best results look for ways to be successful. When they are injured they ask what they can still do rather than list off all the reasons they can't train. If they have a food allergy they seek out alternative ways to satisfy nutrition requirements rather than opting for lower quality & convenient options. When they travel they run stairs in the hotel, do core or mobility drills in their hotel room or swim in the pool. 2. They bring a positive attitudeHave you ever trained when Darlene, Kimberly or Gary are in? I don't think I've ever seen them have a bad day. They're always smiling. They introduce themselves to others. They even sing in the early AM before the speakers come on. And guess what? There is a correlation hormonally between being happy, having less cortisol (or less stress hormone) and being able to get quality sleep, lose body-fat and get great results. ***btw I could list many more names of the amazing clients we get to work with but you get the point*** 3. They planHere's another expression you may be familiar with...'Prior Planning Prevents P*&% Poor Performance. And it refers to planning. Everything. You have to know when your training sessions are. What you will...
Louise's Amazing Transformation!
Hey! How’s it going? It’s Megan here and I’ve got a great success story to share with you. This story is about Louise Fisher and she has realized some amazing results over the last bit with her training. You know Louise, right? She is usually in at the 830 or 930 group classes every day. Louise is very much involved with her business and every other week heads off to Calgary to manage their head office. Besides that she is also a mother of 3, and a grandmother to 2 young boys, which makes the results she has achieved even more impressive. Now before I get to telling you everything Louise has achieved in a short amount of time I should back up and give you the background. You see Louise was someone who came in wanting to lose 10 pounds and tone and strengthen her body. Her friend Annette mentioned the first RYJ program to her and asked if she was interested. She was reluctant to try it as it was outside of her comfort zone and, knew she would have to weigh herself. Maybe you can relate to Louise in sharing these same challenges such as feeling intimidated, stepping outside of your comfort zone with the training, or something else standing in the way of optimal health? “The biggest obstacle I've discovered is myself, I have learned that I can do most of what I set my mind to and if a certain exercise is too hard, or I perceive that it is something I can't do, I look around the gym and find inspiration with the other ladies working through their own hurdles. It's very motivating to work as a group and everyone is very encouraging.”But even though Louise had these challenges before her, she still had the goal...
Why You've Failed & How to Succeed
- Chris Collins
- Fitness
- Motivational
- 720 Hits
This is the time of year when everyone wants to set goals. We turn over the calendar for a new year and instinctually feel compelled to identify some area of our lives where we would like to see improvement.Personally I don't set new year's resolutions. And the reason is that I have goals, targets and things I would like to achieve already planned out for the entire year. I know what the goals are for our business. I know where we want to go with our conference. And I know what I want to achieve with my fitness training. If I were to add anything it might be some goals for trips and family experiences.So when January 1 comes around it's no different for me than February 1, March 1 or any other day of the year. I am constantly planning out what we want to accomplish, setting out to execute this plan and then reviewing how we did.But I recognize for many this is not the case. A new year is an opportunity for a fresh start. This is where we can make good on all our hopes and dreams and realize our potential.And since health and fitness is tied in with many resolutions at this time of year I find it interesting the answers people will give to the question 'What has contributed to your current state of health?'. For example, if someone is 50 lbs overweight, or has low back pain or cannot walk a flight of stairs, I'd like to know what their thoughts are on how things got to be so bad.Answers to this question may include:* 'My nutrition was really poor'* 'I didn't have time'* 'I have low iron' (or testosterone, or a thyroid condition, or...)* 'My training partner moved away' (or coach, or trainer...
Plan to Fail
- Chris Collins
- Fitness
- Motivational
- 859 Hits
Are you a planner?Or are you more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of guy or girl?I can honestly say I am a planner. I plan everything. From meals for the week, to my workouts and which days I will go skiing. I know which days I will write these posts for you (Monday, first thing in the morning in case you are wondering) and when I will check email and reply to phone calls. I know when I will work on the conference and when I will book appointments for meetings.Here's a story that might explain it all for you.When Alexandra and I made our first trip to New York a few years ago we knew had a list a mile long of things we wanted to see and do in NYC. There was the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Central Park, Madison Square Garden, The Late Show with David Letterman...and well you get the idea. For a city that never sleeps there are endless options to see and do while in the big apple.So someone had to come up with a plan. And here's what I did.I photocopied a map of Manhattan on a legal size piece of paper. I then located all the places we wanted to be. For example, there was an 'x' showing where our hotel was, and one for Rockefeller Centre, the Empire State Building and any other landmark or event we wanted to do. Next I started to arrange these plans in terms of location and days they would take place. For example, some Broadway shows don't have performances on certain nights. So we made sure that if there was something close to Broadway we wanted to do we would coordinate to do that on the same day we would be in the area for the show.[caption...
3 Steps for the Best Life
- Chris Collins
- Motivational
- 862 Hits
A client stopped in the other day to share a positive story. She didn't have a booked training session. And she was in her street clothes but went out of her way to share how training with us for the past year has changed her life. During the conversation certain themes came up that summarized what allows for a happy life. This list isn't complete by a long shot. But sometimes it's easier to start with the basics. Sometimes it makes more sense to start with a few things than to try and do everything. Here's a quick replay of three elements that will lead to happiness. 1. Invest in YourselfWould you bet on yourself? It doesn't matter what your profession, do you consider yourself among the best? Or do you consider yourself to be the best? I remember being at a business event in Las Vegas and the presenter asked us if we would bet on ourselves. And he asked the room filled with hundreds of coaches and trainers who was the best. You can imagine that's an usual situation for many people to be in. If you put your hand up to identify yourself as the best does that make you arrogant? Or cocky? I don't think so. Only if you believe you created yourself and you alone are responsible your accomplishments. Otherwise if you give credit to God for your existence and for others along the way for the skills and abilities you've developed than you aren't cocky or arrogant. You are simply appreciative of the gifts and opportunities you have had. And you also realize that you have a responsibility to develop your gifts and abilities as much as possible. This not only helps us to be the best version of ourselves that we can be but...
Our Core Values
- Chris Collins
- Motivational
- OPP News
- 815 Hits
- 1 Comment
If you know me you know that I love business. I'm always looking for recommendations as to what people have read which helped them in business. And when I have down time I like watching Shark Tank, Dragon's Den and The Prophet.I guess it's a number of things that appeal to me about business. Part of is the risk that's involved and paired with a potential reward. As they say with investing, you should invest in what you know. And I consider business to be one of the ultimate investments you can make as you should know your area of business better than most.As well it's fun to learn about really great and successful companies. In particular I like learning about the core values of a business. What is that they stand for? What do they believe? How do these values help distinguish them from the rest of the competition? Does what the business believes resonate with me?A good friend of mine, LM, and a very successful entrepreneur shared something really valuable with me once regarding core values. He said that once you know and can articulate your core values every decision you make regarding your business becomes a lot simpler. And he's right. Whenever I think about a question facing our business I put it through the filter of our core values. And then you can evaluate how the question stands up to your core values.For more than a year now I've been scribbling down our core values in the notebooks I always carry around. And for some reason I never made them public. Maybe I thought the list wasn't complete? Or maybe I needed to take some time to 'sleep on it' and really make sure our core values were accurate.Anyways, I think we're more than ready to make our core values known...
Motivation for Your Goal
- Chris Collins
- Fitness
- Motivational
- 786 Hits
What motivates you to train? You know on the days when it's cold and maybe even rainy outside? Of course it's still dark outside. Your bed could not be more comfortable. Yet for some strange reason you defy what is easy. You pull back the covers to be shocked with the cold of early morning. You throw one leg over the side of the bed and stub your pinkie toe on the edge of the bed frame. Then you shock yourself further with the brightness of the bathroom lights which are one or two degrees brighter than looking directly at the sun. You feel dizzy, Your head may be pounding. The last thing you are thinking about is putting food in your mouth and venturing out into the cold. Yet you do so anyways. Have you been there? I'll bet you have. Anyone who has trained long enough has. Every athlete has. Anyone who is serious about their goals has. What is is that motivates these people? Well for most people it's the avoidance of pain. Sometimes this might be an actual physical pain. Pain from an accident, a disease or some other cause. And these people know how bad the pain can get. And how this pain can affect their lives. And prevent them from doing things they enjoy. And that missing out on these things will bring them sadness. [caption id="attachment_4676" align="aligncenter" width="300"] According to Aristotle, the masses are wise. But pain doesn't always have to be physical, Some people are alone, depressed and not feeling the best about themselves. They would like to have more confidence, to have a better physique and to be noticed by someone else. And so for them the option of living in pain or getting out of a warm, cozy bed in the...