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Our Core Values

If you know me you know that I love business. I'm always looking for recommendations as to what people have read which helped them in business. And when I have down time I like watching Shark Tank, Dragon's Den and The Prophet.I guess it's a number of things that appeal to me about business. Part of is the risk that's involved and paired with a potential reward. As they say with investing, you should invest in what you know. And I consider business to be one of the ultimate investments you can make as you should know your area of business better than most.As well it's fun to learn about really great and successful companies. In particular I like learning about the core values of a business. What is that they stand for? What do they believe? How do these values help distinguish them from the rest of the competition? Does what the business believes resonate with me?A good friend of mine, LM, and a very successful entrepreneur shared something really valuable with me once regarding core values. He said that once you know and can articulate your core values every decision you make regarding your business becomes a lot simpler. And he's right. Whenever I think about a question facing our business I put it through the filter of our core values. And then you can evaluate how the question stands up to your core values.For more than a year now I've been scribbling down our core values in the notebooks I always carry around. And for some reason I never made them public. Maybe I thought the list wasn't complete? Or maybe I needed to take some time to 'sleep on it' and really make sure our core values were accurate.Anyways, I think we're more than ready to make our core values known...

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