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How to Have a Wolverine-like Body

How to Have a Wolverine-like Body

Have you seen X-Men? If you have (and if you're female) you're probably smiling to yourself as you recall Hugh Jackman (why is he shirtless so much?) from this movie. [caption id="attachment_4215" align="alignleft" width="300"] Muscular, lean & ripped. To say Jackman got in shape for his role as Wolverine would be an understatement. Jackman is ripped and has veins popping all over his chest, arms, and shoulders. So you probably have to be Hollywood star to achieve these kinds of results, right? I mean, this isn't the stuff of mere mortals. You'd need to be some kind of mutant to get in this kind of shape, right? Not necessarily. You can have similar results to Wolverine. And here's how. Tip #1 Make it your jobApproach your training as though it was your occupation. Lucky for him, Jackman has incentives to look great on the big screen. About twenty million of them. But what about the rest of us? We probably don't draw huge cheques based on the results we achieve from our training. But let's suspend reality for a second and pretend that we could. What would you change about your training? What time would you start? How many training sessions would you miss? What would your intensity be like during those sessions? It doesn't matter what we do for a living. Pretend that you are a big star and train accordingly. You will be on a forty foot big screen. And all your flaws and imperfections will be there for the world to see. And your subsequent offers and pay cheques will be related to your current training efforts. Kind of changes the approach we bring to our training, doesn't it? Tip #2 Do it first thing in the morningWith all this pressure riding on a jaw-dropping physique, when do...

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