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Strategies to Beat Back Colds & Flus

Have you noticed more and more people getting sick the last little while? Or maybe you've been sick yourself. Either way I've got you covered. Below is a protocol from my friend Esther at Prescription Health Studio. You'll find here contact info at the bottom of this post. The reason this all came about was that Esther and I were supposed to have a meeting a couple of weeks ago and I had to cancel as I felt I was coming down with something. You know what I mean? You are more fatigued than usual. Your workouts feel harder than they normally do. And you feel the tickle in the back of your throat when you wake up in morning. A nasty chest infection is just around the corner. So anyways when I let Esther know how I was feeling she replied with the protocol to keep me healthy and ward off any pending illness. I wanted to share this with you. Here are her instructions for for staying healthy during the cold and flu season as well as when you feel you are coming down with something. I wanted to answer your request for more information about what I like to recommend to my patients and also the protocol I use to keep myself from getting sick during the season.To keep my immune system strong during the cold and flu season I like to take:1. Thymus Spray by Douglas Laboratories. 1 to 2 sprays twice daily This thymus liquid extract consists of several proteins and peptides known as thymic factors that are derived from thymus tissues. The thymus is necessary for the maturation and maintenance of the immune system and works by releasing thymic factors that regulate functions of other cells in the body. These peptides are important for the healthy maturation and activation...

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