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Fight or Flight v Rest and Digest

Fight or Flight v Rest and Digest

What comes to mind when you hear the word stress? For most people they have negative connotations with the word.When someone is stressed this may mean they are anxious. Or maybe in an uncomfortable situation. This could mean having too much on their plate. Sometimes this can be associated with tight traps, headaches and overall body tension.Stress might be related to someone pushed to their limit. And feeling as though there is no end in sight to the work or tough times.But the truth is that stress is not all bad. When stress is beneficial for the individual we would refer to this as eustress as opposed to a distress that has a negative effect.And this is similar to our autonomic nervous system (ANS) which can be divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Just as when we talk about stress in general most people associate this with distress so too when we think about the branches of the autonomic nervous system we are probably more familiar with the sympathetic nervous system.Think about it this way. What sounds more familiar, 'fight or flight' or 'rest and digest'?For most people they are more familiar with the term fight or flight. Although the words 'rest and digest' are uncommon we don't use this expression as commonly. And this is telling as to where the needle tends to sit for most people.So what do we mean by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems?The graphic below does a great job of illustrating how the physiology of the body changes depending on whether we are in a parasympathetic or sympathetic state.[caption id="attachment_5648" align="aligncenter" width="300"] An illustration of how the physiology of the body changes depending on whether it is in a sympathetic or parasympathetic state.On the left are the physiological functions associated with being in a...

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