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Slow & Steady Gets Better Results

Slow & Steady Gets Better Results

If you know me you know I like speed. I enjoy finding new and better ways to help our athletes produce force at a higher rate. This helps them have more success in their sport and can extend careers when others might be losing a step.But as much as I'm an advocate of training to improve speed I will often start slowly with a new client. In fact you might hear the coaches at Okanagan Peak Performance Inc use expressions like:'Speed hides need'or'Nobody cares how fast you can do it wrong'or'We're going to start slow in order to go fast'or'Anyone can whip a rented mule. We're here to train thoroughbreds'[caption id="attachment_5434" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Are you training to be sore, sweaty and out of breath?Unfortunately though for a number of coaches there is a pressure to start at the end. They feel that their clients need to be sore, sweaty and out of breath at the end of every session. And should someone end up puking during a training session, which is then acknowledged with pats on the back and rounds of encouragement and praise. The following day is spent recounting the story around the water cooler at work while struggling to make it down a flight of stairs.No one should want or have to experience that. Instead we should be helping people become stronger, leaner, fitter and happier versions of themselves.And not only can this take time it should take time.Rush the promise and you end up short-changing yourself on the results that could be achieved.Don't believe me?Check out the following research studies that prove the point that you are better off to take the moderate rather than the extreme path to success.Study #1The first study had six males perform 5 sets of eccentric biceps curls at 110% of their 1 rep...

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