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The Hardest Part of Fitness

The Hardest Part of Fitness

What is the hardest part of being healthy? Is it the training? The dedication to eating healthy foods? Is it getting enough quality sleep every night? Depending on what your weakest link is will in part determine what is the hardest for you. If you struggle with cravings maybe healthy eating will be your biggest challenge. If you have injuries and joint pain maybe finding pain-free exercise is the hardest part for you. And with shift work it could be that getting into a fitness routine when you are up at night and sleeping during the day might be the toughest part. Regardless of what is the hardest part for you there is one thing that is common to everyone. And that is simply getting started. [caption id="attachment_5002" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Inertia can make getting started the hardest. Overcoming the inertia to go from doing nothing to doing something is harder than Turkish get ups, sled pushes and burpies. It's harder than eating a kale salad with no dressing. And it's harder than drinking plain branch chain amino acids. (which taste pretty awful btw) In other words going from zero to one can be the hardest thing. Think about it. Once you've done something once you have that experience to draw upon. You know what to expect. You know how hard it will be. And you know that you've survived it in the past and can do it again. And that makes going from one to two much easier than zero to one. [caption id="attachment_5003" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The longer we put off some action, the harder it can be to take action. If you're a procrastinator you know how true this is. You can find any reason or excuse to get out of doing whatever you're supposed to do. And putting it off to the...

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