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Why We Do What We Do

Why We Do What We Do

I'm always curious about what drives people? Especially when we're talking about 'the best of the best' or impressive performances. Take professional athletes for example, they typically don't need the money and have already won at the highest level. Why do they continue to train, prepare and compete? I mean, once you have enough money an extra cheque isn't really going to do much to inspire. And if you've won at the highest level of your game then the challenge becomes to see how many times can you repeat this success? Can you exit your sport as one of the best ever? What kind of legacy do you leave behind? Maybe these are some of the things that drive athletes to continue when the cheques and trophies have already been collected in abundance. Now maybe it becomes a personal challenge to see how many times they can reach the top? [caption id="attachment_4892" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Don't talk to me about problems. 11 rings and only 10 fingers. Because, let's face it, the life of a professional athlete is a very small window. The NFL is also known as the 'Not For Long' league. I remember reading the average career of a professional football player is less than 3 years. Think about that for a moment and imagine if the average of your career was less than 3 years. Do you think you might bring your best everyday? Do you think you might feel some pressure to extend this if you could? Maybe the realization that his opportunity is so short lived explains why NFL players will do whatever it takes to stay in the game. The other thing that might drive athletes is something that drives others who are successful as well. This could include entertainers, artists, business people and more. So...

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