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A Few Recommended Reads

Reading is probably one of my favourite ways to relax. While I don't mind catching up some shows on Netflix or watching a movie there isn't the same kind of relaxation involved with reading.It might have something to do with the fact that movies involve more external stimuli and reading is more internal. I don't know? All I know is that it's pretty darn relaxing to have an interesting book to lose yourself in forDitch an hour or so.With that in mind here are some of the books I'm currently reading and some of my favourites as well. Feel free to add your faves to the comments section below.Non-fictionInfidel: My Life by Ayaan Hirsi AliThis is an incredible true story that my wife and I both really enjoyed. It's told from the perspective of the author who escapes her Muslim upbringing in Africa and flees for her life to Europe. Against her families wishes and ditching her arranged marriage there is a bounty place on her capture and return. She later becomes a member of Parliament in the Netherlands and advocates for helping others suffering as she once did back in Africa.The Long Walk: The True Story of a Trek to Freedom by Slavomir RawiczThis book came out as a movie a few years but really didn't do it justice. But that's no surprise. Movies can never measure to an incredible book. Recently as well, there have been claims that the story was fabricated or exaggerated. This doesn't change it for me. I still found it a great story about over-coming adversity, the will to live and realizing how good we have things.Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura HillenbrandAre you seeing a pattern here? Yeah, I like stories of survival and Unbroken is one...

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