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How to Use Travel for Better Results

Do you travel? Either for work or pleasure. If so, have you ever found this to be a challenge in maintaining the results you've achieved in the gym? If so, you're not alone. It's not uncommon to feel that as soon as we travel we will lose everything that to leads to success with our health and fitness. We won't have access to our gym. Our coach won't be there. We may not be able to access our program (not a problem for OPP clients). We won't have access to our kitchen. We won't have our training partner. The list goes on. There are a number of things that are different when we travel. That doesn't mean we can't maintain, or possibly even progress, our results while away.   Below are 7 Ways to Use Travel to Get Better Results. Take Advantage of the Climate - If you live in Kelowna in the winter than you're aware we can sometimes go days without seeing the sun. With some low cloud cover and being surrounded by the valley mountains it can become quite gray. In more temperate clients this can be a great opportunity to soak up some long missed vitamin D. This is an important element for bone health that we get from the sun. Vitamin D may also play a role in muscular strength helping you to hit that PB in the deadlift.Up Your Nutritional Game - One of the best things about travel is experiencing new things. Maybe there is a different language where you'll be. Foods that are commonly imported for us might be native to your travel destination. Healthier eating could simply involve fresher, local foods that we typically don't have access to. Research your destination ahead of time to find out which fruits, vegetables and fish are produced where you'll...

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Intermittent Fasting Seminar Recap

Last week we hosted a seminar at Okanagan Peak Performance Inc on Intermittent Fasting (IF). And while all in attendance said they weren't familiar with IF it quickly became apparent that they not only had an idea about IF they were all practicing it already.Since IF means to go brief periods without eating and none of the people attending are in the habit of eating through the night they all practiced IF until morning when they would break 'fast.In addition to not eating breakfast there are a variety of different IF protocols which are usually defined by two numbers separated by a slash. For example a protocol might look like 16/8 and refers to 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of eating. So you could see anything such as 12/12, 20/4 or a full day of fasting which would be a 24/0.And in terms of the number of days per week someone would fast this ranges as well from one day per week to two days per week, alternate days or everyday for part of the day. Depending on which protocol they follow you may hear terms such as the 'Warrior Diet', 'LeanGains' and 'Eat-Stop-Eat' to describe when to eat and when to fast.Benefits of IFSo why would someone become an IFer?Well the proposed benefits include reduced bodyweight, reduced bodyfat, increased longevity, reduced chance of certain disease and improved neural function. And these are interesting claims which will draw the attention of almost everyone looking to shed a few pounds and improve their health.But the reality is there is not a lot of research out there to support these claims. And the studies that do exist tend to be done with animals. For example, when it comes to looking at mice completing a water maze task, the mice experiencing an IF...

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