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Hotel Gym Workout

Have you ever noticed how the more complicated things get the less useful they become? Obviously this doesn't apply to everything in life but there are times where we can get bogged down in the details. Consider the expression 'paralysis by analysis'. Too many choices to consider and we end up choosing nothing. Sometimes simple is best. Such is the case when you travel and are looking to do a training session at a hotel gym. You don't have all the equipment you like to use at your home gym so you must improvise and make do with what's available. Why hotel workouts are great And these can be great workouts as you tend to do something a little different. And because you don't know anyone in the hotel gym you will train without interruption or distraction. And lastly being on vacation usually means having a more relaxed schedule where you may have more time for the little things in your workout that get trimmed when time is short. Think of things such as a proper warm-up, the extra mobility work, the conditioning work at the end maybe even the corrective exercises prescribed to you at physio. So it's with this in mind that I want to show you exactly what I did for a workout in a Swiss hotel room a couple of weeks ago. There was no squat rack or platforms. They didn't have any kettlebells or a chin up bar. Basically I had a foam roller, dumbbells up to 20 lbs and a ball. Here's what I did. Sample gym workout 1. Foam roll - 10 minutes (remember I'm on vacation) targeting the glutes, piriformis, ab/adductors and t-spine 2. Stretch/Mobilize - 10 minutes 1/2 kneeling hip stretch + 1/2 kneeling hip rocking1/2 kneeling rear foot elevated hip stretch...

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