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Getting a Second Chance with Your Health

Getting a Second Chance with Your Health

The great thing about life is that are lots of opportunities for second chances. Growing up I know my parents gave me more than my fair share of second chances. I remember when I was in high-school and had one of the family vehicles. There was some fresh snow on the ground and I was driving back after lunch with a friend. Behind the school was an alley and I was fishtailing the back end of the car to show off for my friend. Well I ended up knocking out a guy's backyard fence. It went down like a stack of dominos. This guy could have gone to the police. He could have gone to the principal. He could have called my parents. Instead he came and found me at school. And told me he was going to let me come to his place on the weekend and fix the damage I caused. Talk about catching a break and getting a second chance! I'll never forget what this guy did for me and how it kept me out of trouble. But there are some times in life when you don't get a second chance. [caption id="attachment_5353" align="aligncenter" width="294"] If your chute doesn't open you may not get a second chance. And there are some times when a do-over can't happen quickly enough.  [caption id="attachment_5352" align="aligncenter" width="264"] When mom mixes up pyjama and picture day. Hopefully the worst that happens to us in order to make a chance is an embarrassing story. But for some there is a serious health complication that gets our attention. It causes us to reflect on the decisions we are making regarding our health, good or bad. And this second chance allows us an opportunity to right the ship. We are able to turn things around and improve...

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