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Exercises from Around the World - The Turkish Get Down

Exercises from Around the World - The Turkish Get Down

This is the first installment of a series of articles that we are going to call “exercises from around the world”.  It’s no secret that we here at Okanagan Peak Performance Inc love to travel, so it only made sense that we share and teach you some exercises from around the globe in order you make you a bit more worldly, cultured and hopefully more fit.  If nothing else it will serve as a reason to write off a trip or two as a business expense!!!We are going to start this worldwide tour in Turkey, where Asia meets Europe. This beautiful country has 3 of the wonders of the world along with one of the weirdest yet tastiest candy bars on the planet. You Either Love 'Em or You Hate 'Em While I am personally not a big fan of Big Turk, I'm more of Wunderbar kind of guy, I am a really big fan of the Turkish Get Up. I am such a big fan of it that it raises my blood temperature, not only when I am doing this great exercise but more so when I see it being performed incorrectly and thanks to the internet I've seen a lot of non-Turkish Get Up's.This is a very complicated exercise and as such deserves a lot of time and attention to learn it properly so that you can reap the many rewards that this exercise offers while avoiding an injury and ridicule from performing it the wrong way.The best way we have found to teach this exercise is from the top down so we will first teach you the Turkish Get Down.The benefit of teaching it this way is that we have gravity working with us and we have come up with a series of cues that will help you execute...

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