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9 Reasons You Should Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

9 Reasons You Should Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

What are you scared of? For me it's snakes. I have a real fear of snakes. I don't know where this came from but I don't like them. Even seeing them on TV or in a movie gets my heart racing and freaks me out. But besides snakes there are other things that make me uncomfortable. I'm not a huge fan of cold water. I don't like to do things where I don't feel 100% prepared or ready. And I don't like not knowing. So I guess I should move somewhere with warm water, no snakes and we the answers to all our questions. Kind of sounds like heaven doesn't it? haha Seriously though we all have certain things that make us feel uncomfortable. Maybe it's crowds. For many it could be public speaking. I know some people that don't particularly enjoy air travel, particularly if it's over water. And we can look at each other's fear, anxieties and things weren't not comfortable with and smile. We might tease them a little bit about having a fear of spiders or swimming in deep water. We might think their phobias are childish because they aren't our own. So how does having overcoming our fears, phobias or things that make us uncomfortable help us with our health and fitness? Well below are 9 Reasons Why You Should Get Out of Your Comfort Zone. You learn about yourself - When was the last time you tried something for the first time? It's kind of a hard question to answer, isn't it. And because this is a hard question to answer tells us we are creatures of habit. When we do things the same way all the time we can sometimes run on auto-pilot and miss out on many of life's lessons. In particular we can...

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