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Are You Blowing It?

Are You Blowing It?

When someone looks to get started with a health and fitness routine it's always interesting where they put the emphasis.  Do they put most of their focus and effort on the training? Do they train as frequently and intensely as possible? Do they put their efforts into their nutritional plan? Do they make most of their meals? Drink more water? Do they focus on getting their sleep in order? Do they get to bed and get up at the same time daily? There are lots of things that will lead to a positive result. But often times we skip the one thing that is the most basic and can have a huge impact on results. Think back to the first thing and the last thing we'll do in this world. And that's breathing. Breathing is vitally important to everything we do. Yet it gets skipped over or forgotten completely. Which is surprising when we consider we can't go 3 minutes without it. Below are 4 quick ways we can use breathing to help our training or sports performance 1. Calm Our Nerves[caption id="attachment_5313" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Imagine trying to shoot a target with a racing heart rate. Think of the number of sports that require accuracy and precision. Imagine having to make an 8 foot putt in order to win a PGA tournament. Or having to make a couple of free throws with no time on the clock in order to win a basketball game. Or, the one I think that would the toughest, would be having to shoot targets from a standing position in a biathlon race.With all of these there would be benefit to slowing the breathing pattern and calming the nerves before having to perform. 2. Increase MobilityThese days everyone is looking to increase their mobility. They want to have greater stride length as a sprinter. They want to have greater shoulder...

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