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Why Moms, Nurses & Teachers Should Copy CEOs

Why Moms, Nurses & Teachers Should Copy CEOs

I remember hearing a story about Richard Branson and it involved a group headed on a boat to Necker Island. One of the guests asked how to become more productive? And Branson's answer was to work out. This may seem counter intuitive to most people when they ask how to get more done in their business and the answer is to do something outside of their business. But I know it to be true. And a high percentage (as high as 93%) of CEOs do as well as evidenced by the fact they enlist the services of a fitness coach and trainer. So why would the highest paid and most successful entrepreneurs and business people take time out of their busy lives to invest in coaching? Because they understand that the best investment they can make is in themselves. And trust me these guys get pitched all the time. They need to have a well trained secretary and assistant as gatekeepers to vet all the deals sent their way. And even with all the demands for their time a high majority make sure to take care of themselves first. Think about that for a second. The more people that are under your care and needing your attention, the more important it is for you to be at your best. If you are a CEO you can't afford to get sick. There are too many meetings and deals to get done that require your attention. You need to have energy from the first thing in the morning to the last appointment in your calendar. You are the face of the company and will appear in media, advertising and other marketing. You need to appear strong, healthy and capable. You need to convey a winning image for the board and shareholders. Who else has others...

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