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OPP Partners with Multi-National Corp

OPP Partners with Multi-National Corp

I believe the goal of a great business should be to focus on what it does well, deliver an excellent experience in that area and then find other great businesses to do the rest. For example, when we host the conference we supply lunch for all the attendees and presenters. We know how to make lunches. And we could source all the ingredients required to do so. But it wouldn't be a wise use of our time or resources to make lunches for everyone.So we contract out the types of things that aren't in our wheelhouse and look to form long term relationships with these businesses.Lately we were approached by large business, and by large I mean a multi-national corporation, about partnering up on something.Initially I was hesitant. I would have never considered this company to share our core values and to be a possible partner. But you never know where opportunity will come from. And at minimum you'd like to think you can sit down and have a conversation with anyone. You want to be able to hear them out and find out exactly what it is they are proposing.So I took a meeting with them. And it started off well. They were very polite. They anticipated my concerns and had answers and contingencies in place for all possible scenarios. I challenged them on a number of points and they heard me out. They let me speak my bit. And they truly listened. What they couldn't answer at the time they said they would go back, find the answer and get back to me.I was impressed. And I left the meeting feeling a sense of optimism. And we scheduled a next meeting. And this one went well also. Finally there was a chance to connect with the senior brass for Western...


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