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Your Training & Nutritional Efforts May Be Wasted

As we wrap up the last few days of 2010 I have to ask you, 'Is your health, fitness and performance where you'd like it be?'
What were your goals for 2010? Did you hit them?
Before you answer these questions I'll go first  and tell you about mine.
Want to know my goals? Here they are.
Back in June I wrote these down.
Bodyweight 195 lbs (currently 190 lbs and climbing)
Bench 315 lbs (achieved) 
Deadlift 500 lbs (will test next week)
Swim 1000 m under 15:00 min (switched to rowing 5 k under 20:00, currently 21:07)
Sand dunes under 4:00 (will test next week)
Bodyfat under 10% (test soon)
Some of my targets I may not hit. The deadlift is definitely going to be a good challenge. And we'll see about the sand dune. I'm finding it tough to increase strength, fitness and lean body mass all at same time.
But these are all outcome goals. They are stating a final position for each area of health I was working towards.

More important than outcome goals might be process goals. In other words 'how will I get there?'.
What did I need to do with my nutrition in order to go from the low-mid 170's at the end of the summer to the mid 190's by Christmas time?
What did my training program have to look like in order to get from where I was strength-wise in June to where I'll end up at the end of 2010?
What othere considerations did I have to make to my recovery, regeneration and day-in day-out preparation in order to have success?
Can you see why process goals might be considered more important than outcome goals? It's because they contains all of the nitty gritty details to ensure success.
And what about if you fall short and don't succeed at realizing your goal(s)?
Well you need to ask yourself if the goal was too lofty or if you just didn't get there? Because if it wasn't too lofty and you put in the time, efforts and sacrifice but still fell short there can only be one explanation.
You didn't have access to the best information.

Had you known the right foods to eat at the right times and the right amounts you would have achieved your goal.
Had you known what to do when you got to the gym you would have achieved your goal.
Had you known all the other little secrets that are so vital to your overall health and performance you would have achieved your goal.
Because once you make consistent, repeated efforts of applying the right information, great things will happen for you.
 So how do you get your hands on this crucial information?
Well it's coming your way soon in the way of the Year Long Training Program 2.0.

This is program where participants, some of whom I've never even met, have lost upto 40 lbs over the course of the year not to mention the number of inches off their bodies.
But before I release this new and updated version I want to give away a copy to someone. Last year's program sold for up to $599 and now has even more workouts, meal plans, reports and tools to make success inevitable.

And you can get a copy for FREE!
What you need to do is leave a comment below telling me how this program would help you achieve your health, fitness and performance goals.
I'll then select a winner and work with you to ensure you achieve your best in 2011. How about that for a nice little present for yourself?
Merry Christmas.
Chris                                                                                                                                                                                                    'always moving forward'

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Comments 20

Guest - Curtis McGrath

on Friday, 24 December 2010 12:17

Hey Chris,
I'll assume this program would also be helpful for someone looking to gain mass as I am trying to do. I put alot of effort into my nutrition and workout plans but don't get the results I hope for. I could really use a kick in the pants to get me more motivated and seeing more results. I also have several fitness goals in the coming year such as mini trialathon, half marathon and the Ski to Sea race.

Thanks alot and Merry Christmas,

Hey Chris, I'll assume this program would also be helpful for someone looking to gain mass as I am trying to do. I put alot of effort into my nutrition and workout plans but don't get the results I hope for. I could really use a kick in the pants to get me more motivated and seeing more results. I also have several fitness goals in the coming year such as mini trialathon, half marathon and the Ski to Sea race. Thanks alot and Merry Christmas, Curtis

Guest - Chris

on Wednesday, 29 December 2010 15:08

Hi Curtis: Thanks for your comments. This program would definitely motivate you and help you pack on some lean body mass.

Best of luck,

Chris 'always moving forward'

Hi Curtis: Thanks for your comments. This program would definitely motivate you and help you pack on some lean body mass. Best of luck, Chris 'always moving forward'

Guest - Dave Cunning

(website) on Friday, 24 December 2010 14:12

Surely this program would help me garner a better nutritional strategy, and integrate it into my fitness goals as I try to cut some body fat, increase muscle mass, and maintain/improve my on-ice performance.

Surely this program would help me garner a better nutritional strategy, and integrate it into my fitness goals as I try to cut some body fat, increase muscle mass, and maintain/improve my on-ice performance.

Guest - Chris

on Wednesday, 29 December 2010 15:07

Dave: You're absolutely right. Previous participants have achieved all of those things, and then some.

Good luck with the college hockey,

Chris 'always moving forward'

Dave: You're absolutely right. Previous participants have achieved all of those things, and then some. Good luck with the college hockey, Chris 'always moving forward'

Guest - Dov Schafer

on Friday, 24 December 2010 17:48

Hi Chris,

My name is Dov Schafer, you may remember me as the fat guy who you worked with at the capitol news center a few years ago. Shortly after graduating high school I was nearly 315lbs, and certainly not just "big boned". After my dad died from stomach cancer far too young, I re-evaluated my priorities. Life is too short to spend without energy, direction and purpose! During my university studies I have earned a culinary degree and ravenously pursued knowledge with the same fervor with which I used to consume food. I have managed to drop down to a healthy 180lbs by living healthy, eating whole foods high in protein and natural nutrients, and doing vigorous physical activity including kick-boxing and weightlifting. I am a different person now than I was 5 years ago; every cell in my body and pathway in my brain has evolved. I am excited and full of energy for the future, ready to be successful in life and fitness.
THe problem I am having now, after reaching my super long term goal (being 185 and having abs), is that I am lacking specific focus. I don't know weather to try to gain muscle, or lose fat, or even how much body fat percentage I actually have. I would GREATLY benefit from your expertise. We have similar body types now, I would love to train towards specific goals like you are doing, and look forward to reading your blog posts every week.
Please chose me for the free yearlong workout; I will be the most appreciative recipient, and as a student I don't have a lot of spare income at the moment.

Thank you for reading and keep spreading the practical wisdom.

Hi Chris, My name is Dov Schafer, you may remember me as the fat guy who you worked with at the capitol news center a few years ago. Shortly after graduating high school I was nearly 315lbs, and certainly not just "big boned". After my dad died from stomach cancer far too young, I re-evaluated my priorities. Life is too short to spend without energy, direction and purpose! During my university studies I have earned a culinary degree and ravenously pursued knowledge with the same fervor with which I used to consume food. I have managed to drop down to a healthy 180lbs by living healthy, eating whole foods high in protein and natural nutrients, and doing vigorous physical activity including kick-boxing and weightlifting. I am a different person now than I was 5 years ago; every cell in my body and pathway in my brain has evolved. I am excited and full of energy for the future, ready to be successful in life and fitness. THe problem I am having now, after reaching my super long term goal (being 185 and having abs), is that I am lacking specific focus. I don't know weather to try to gain muscle, or lose fat, or even how much body fat percentage I actually have. I would GREATLY benefit from your expertise. We have similar body types now, I would love to train towards specific goals like you are doing, and look forward to reading your blog posts every week. Please chose me for the free yearlong workout; I will be the most appreciative recipient, and as a student I don't have a lot of spare income at the moment. Thank you for reading and keep spreading the practical wisdom.

Guest - Chris

on Wednesday, 29 December 2010 15:05

Dov: Wow! Some very powerful words. Congrats on your success thus far. I look forward to helping you get to the next level.

Happy new year,

Chris 'always moving forward'

Dov: Wow! Some very powerful words. Congrats on your success thus far. I look forward to helping you get to the next level. Happy new year, Chris 'always moving forward'

Guest - roger wilson

on Friday, 24 December 2010 21:37

hey chris--have a merry christmas. i still use the techniques and exercises that you taught me and keep up to date with your blogs. Take care and all the best to your family in 2011, Roger

hey chris--have a merry christmas. i still use the techniques and exercises that you taught me and keep up to date with your blogs. Take care and all the best to your family in 2011, Roger

Guest - Chris

on Wednesday, 29 December 2010 15:02

Thanks Roger: Merry Christmas to you as well. Glad you are still benefitting from our time together.

All the best in 2011.

Chris 'always moving forward'

Thanks Roger: Merry Christmas to you as well. Glad you are still benefitting from our time together. All the best in 2011. Chris 'always moving forward'

Guest - Christine

on Friday, 24 December 2010 22:09

If I win, I'll give it to my husband for his 40th b-day, and he will love it so much I won't ever be able to top that present....oh wait, maybe not the best idea:0.

If I win, I'll give it to my husband for his 40th b-day, and he will love it so much I won't ever be able to top that present....oh wait, maybe not the best idea:0.

Guest - Chris

on Wednesday, 29 December 2010 15:01

Christine: I think it's a great idea. Very kind of you to nominate your husband. I think maybe the wife should get something as well if the husband wins?

Chris 'always moving forward'

Christine: I think it's a great idea. Very kind of you to nominate your husband. I think maybe the wife should get something as well if the husband wins? Chris 'always moving forward'

Guest - Spencer

on Sunday, 26 December 2010 16:09

If I win, I will use it to ACTUALY try and reach my fitness and nutritional goals. I have new found modivation now that I´m starting Professional dive training in January.

If I win, I will use it to ACTUALY try and reach my fitness and nutritional goals. I have new found modivation now that I´m starting Professional dive training in January.

Guest - Chris

on Wednesday, 29 December 2010 14:58

Spencer: Congrats on pursuing the dive training. Sometimes clarity in one area of our life helps us take charge in others at the same time.

Best of luck,

Chris 'always moving forward'

Spencer: Congrats on pursuing the dive training. Sometimes clarity in one area of our life helps us take charge in others at the same time. Best of luck, Chris 'always moving forward'

Guest - Maggie Dwernychuk

on Sunday, 26 December 2010 20:30

2011 is the last year of my first half century! I plan to be the healthiest, fastest, strongest, and fittest I've ever been when I turn 50. To do this I need a plan of course! I'm a working mom with 3 boys who are active in sports so it's important for me to make the best use of my time. I enjoy learning from all the great information Chris shares on his website, I like the type of exercises he prescribes, and how he trains his clients. I'd love to work with Chris to achieve my health and fitness goals.

2011 is the last year of my first half century! I plan to be the healthiest, fastest, strongest, and fittest I've ever been when I turn 50. To do this I need a plan of course! I'm a working mom with 3 boys who are active in sports so it's important for me to make the best use of my time. I enjoy learning from all the great information Chris shares on his website, I like the type of exercises he prescribes, and how he trains his clients. I'd love to work with Chris to achieve my health and fitness goals.

Guest - Chris

on Wednesday, 29 December 2010 14:57

Hi Maggie: I know how much you value and believe in health and fitness. It's impressive what you're able to juggle and still maintain a top level of fitness.

Looking forward to helping you make 2011 your best ever.

Chris 'always moving forward'

Hi Maggie: I know how much you value and believe in health and fitness. It's impressive what you're able to juggle and still maintain a top level of fitness. Looking forward to helping you make 2011 your best ever. Chris 'always moving forward'

Guest - Chris W

on Sunday, 26 December 2010 21:19

I would like to make "2011" the start of a lifestyle change, eating better, exercising more. I've allowed myself to become a couch potato & could really use a program to help me achieve my goals. I have 2 very special events this year & want to look my best!

I would like to make "2011" the start of a lifestyle change, eating better, exercising more. I've allowed myself to become a couch potato & could really use a program to help me achieve my goals. I have 2 very special events this year & want to look my best!

Guest - Chris

on Wednesday, 29 December 2010 14:55

Hi Chris: Glad you have made the decision to a healthier 2011. Having a couple of events will help hold you accountable.

Chris 'always moving forward'

Hi Chris: Glad you have made the decision to a healthier 2011. Having a couple of events will help hold you accountable. Chris 'always moving forward'

Guest - Maureen Fontaine

(website) on Monday, 27 December 2010 17:09

I had the wonderful opportunity to have a session or two with you a few years back and continue to follow your newsletters. It is time for me to get on track again with some encouragement and accountability in tow! As I am on the road frequently with work, a program to follow and participate in from afar would be MOST helpful. Exercising with a solid plan in hand would be extremely beneficial! What I so appreciate about your approach is the fine attention to soft tissue release, which my body is hyper aware of. Exquisite it is!

Chris: I had the wonderful opportunity to have a session or two with you a few years back and continue to follow your newsletters. It is time for me to get on track again with some encouragement and accountability in tow! As I am on the road frequently with work, a program to follow and participate in from afar would be MOST helpful. Exercising with a solid plan in hand would be extremely beneficial! What I so appreciate about your approach is the fine attention to soft tissue release, which my body is hyper aware of. Exquisite it is!

Guest - Chris

on Wednesday, 29 December 2010 14:53

Hi Maureen: Thank you for your comments. Glad you appreciate the emphasis on tissue quality. I'll make sure to continue supplying content in this area.

Chris 'always moving forward'

Hi Maureen: Thank you for your comments. Glad you appreciate the emphasis on tissue quality. I'll make sure to continue supplying content in this area. Chris 'always moving forward'

Guest - Leanne S

on Monday, 27 December 2010 20:07

Hey Chris!
I love your emails/blog, they help to remind me that I'm not alone in the challenges and triumphs that come along with training.
I'm an athlete that left the career and life that I knew in order to focus on training; I took a chance that relocating to the Okanagan would improve my training opportunities and boy was I right! Not only do I have access to nature's greatest playground but also have met wonderful people that have assisted me with the journey. Chris, you are one of those people. Every time I train with you, run into you, talk to you - I learn, my training evolves and improves.
One of the hiccups in my training is my nutrition. Fueling/training as an athlete is one thing, fueling/training as an athlete with Type 1 Diabetes adds a whole other dimension to the timing and types of foods that work for me. I have learned that even though I know what I should do for the most part, I function best when I'm given guidelines.
That's what I'm hoping for from Year Long 2.0 - guidelines to help me reach the top of the World Championships podium representing Canada again.
In a sport where the best in the world have access to warm ocean water all year long, I need to go above and beyond in my off season to be able to not only compete with the best of the best, but to beat them.

Happy Holidays and all the best in 2011!

Hey Chris! I love your emails/blog, they help to remind me that I'm not alone in the challenges and triumphs that come along with training. I'm an athlete that left the career and life that I knew in order to focus on training; I took a chance that relocating to the Okanagan would improve my training opportunities and boy was I right! Not only do I have access to nature's greatest playground but also have met wonderful people that have assisted me with the journey. Chris, you are one of those people. Every time I train with you, run into you, talk to you - I learn, my training evolves and improves. One of the hiccups in my training is my nutrition. Fueling/training as an athlete is one thing, fueling/training as an athlete with Type 1 Diabetes adds a whole other dimension to the timing and types of foods that work for me. I have learned that even though I know what I should do for the most part, I function best when I'm given guidelines. That's what I'm hoping for from Year Long 2.0 - guidelines to help me reach the top of the World Championships podium representing Canada again. In a sport where the best in the world have access to warm ocean water all year long, I need to go above and beyond in my off season to be able to not only compete with the best of the best, but to beat them. Happy Holidays and all the best in 2011!

Guest - Chris

on Wednesday, 29 December 2010 14:50

Leanne: An incredible story. Very impressive what you've been able to do with Type 1 Diabetes.

Continued success,

Chris 'always moving forward'

Leanne: An incredible story. Very impressive what you've been able to do with Type 1 Diabetes. Continued success, Chris 'always moving forward'
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