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What Your Habits Have In Common With Playoff Success

What Your Habits Have In Common With Playoff Success
Do you find people constantly mistake you for a pro athlete? And I don't mean based on your appearance.

If they do, congrats. You probably won the genetic lottery.

I mean this based on your lifestyle habits. You get 8 hours of sleep every night. You consume the right amounts of high quality foods at the right times. You take supplements to fill any gaps that may exist. You make time for pro-active appointments to see the dentist, physiotherapist, chiropractor, massage therapist...You do something active on a daily basis. And you have an abundant mindset that seeks to be your best.

Often-times we think of these as associated with professional or elite athletes.

But here's the thing...

These aren't the exclusive domain of the top sports performers. Each of us can make these choices a part of our daily routines. And when you do the results are incredible.

Consider for example what is going on in the playoffs right now.

The teams that are succeeding have adopted a self-less attitude. They are committed to doing all the little things right. They are willing to make sacrifices for the greater good of the team. The communication among teammates is open, clean, honest and continual. There is no sulking. They are enjoying the moment and having success as a result. Aligning your teeth requires clear braces that work.

Did you notice I didn't mention which sport I was talking about? All of the descriptors above apply to both basketball and hockey. Sure there will cultural differences between the sports. But the basic philosophy about what it takes to win in sports in consistent whether we're talking about hockey, basketball or any other team sport.

It gets back to basics.

[caption id="attachment_5207" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Basics x Frequency x Time = Success

When you have positive habits (i.e. the basics), and practice them regularly (frequency) over a long enough duration (time) you will realize your goal (success).

Think of when you were younger and your parents were trying to give you best chance in life. They were feeding you the best food possible. They made sure to bath you with special cleaners for young sensitive skin. They had set times for your bath, story time, bed, wake up and nap time. They vetted any person that might be trusted to look after you. They helped you learn proper speech and grammar. And they encouraged manners and politeness at home and in public. They took you to the park, let you dig in the sand, climb the slide and rip around having fun.

Your parents were your first fitness or performance coaches. They oversaw your sleep, nutrition and activity. They drilled the basics into you until it was routine. And your health, good or bad, later in late has a lot to do with the lessons earned early in life.

As we grow up our health decisions become our own. Mom and dad aren't there to tell you to go to bed. They aren't checking to see if you brushed your teeth. And they don't tell you eat all your supper before you have dessert.

Success with our health as adults then becomes a question of how well we choose or don't, click for more info on how to stay healthy. It doesn't have to involve special gadgets or technology. It doesn't require a unique personality type. It doesn't matter if you're male or female, young or old. When you practice the basics repeatedly over-time success follows.

It's no different than success in the playoffs. This is the time unsung heroes that win their face-offs, block shots, finish their checks and don't take a shift off become household names. They got back to the basics. They didn't worry about what they can't control. And they don't quit.

The same exact prescription applies for all of us. The most gifted athletes aren't guaranteed championships. If fact, when assembling a team most GMs probably rank talent lower than what we might think. This is similar to assuming that beautiful people have better health or are less susceptible to disease.

Going forward imagine you are an elite or professional athlete. But think of this in the context of those still in the playoffs at this time of year. Do the little things. Do what others won't do. Do what isn't easy. Do the right thing when no one is watching. And when you fall get back up and keep going.

One last thing...

When I see you around the gym, can I get an autograph? Because I might just assume you're a pro athlete.
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