Time for a pop quiz!!! What percentage of people wish they more time? A recent article I read mentioned that up to 80% of people wished they had more time. Does that surprise you? Would you be included in the 80%? If most people wish they had more time... And most have goals to be leaner, stronger and healthy... Than it would make sense to find ways to be as efficient a possible with the little time we have when it comes to training. With that in mind here are 10 Ways to Make Your Training More Efficient. 1. Put Yourself on the Clock - Are you aware of how long regular tasks take you to do? For example, how long would it take you to unload the dishwasher? If you're not aware then set the timer on the microwave for 4 minutes and see what happens. Typically we think things take longer than they really do. And unless we're on the clock and aware of diminishing time we can adopt a casual pace and stretch things out. Imagine packing for a flight that leaves in 2.5 hours and you need to leave for the airport ASAP. You might be able to pack in 5 minutes and be out the door. With your training set a count down timer at the start of your workout. If you have 20 minutes set it for 18 and hit 'start'. Change your settings so your screen doesn't go blank and you'll be able to see the time counting down as you train. You'll have a greater sense of urgency and make the most of your limited time. 2. Get Off Line - Make sure to turn your data and notifications off while you train. Set your phone to silent mode. We're not talking about...
Don't Make Things Harder Than They Need To Be
- Chris Collins
- Fitness
- 931 Hits
Have you ever been in a situation where looking back you realized there was an easier way? Maybe it wasn't even yourself but someone else you noticed putting in all the effort and simply spinning their wheels, making little forward progress. I know I'm guilty of that. For example, it was only at the end of 2017 that we switched all of our programming to a digital platform and started using an app. Before that it was manually creating each program by hand, on paper, which could tend to get lost, then entering the program onto the computer, usually using an excel spreadsheet, where different coaches would create different templates for programming, then searching to find the saved program on the computer in order print the program and then file it in a program binder. Not to mention programs can get lost or filed under the wrong name making it hard to coach a client without their program. Obviously our programming writing department was broken. And I owned that and fixed it by investing in the new app. But all the way along a friend and client, LM, would politely suggest and recommend I look into a digital platform for this function. And his background was tech. He knew better than anyone how much better this would make everything we do if we would simply make the switch. I'm so glad we did and feeling a little bit foolish for having taken so long. What about you? Are there areas of your health and fitness where you aren't be as smart or efficient as possible? Are you making things harder than they need to be? While you think about your answer I've got another one to share. And this one involves cycling. I've been told by cyclists much better than myself,...
13 Bonus Hours to Train
- Chris Collins
- Fitness
- Training
- Motivational
- 900 Hits
If you're like most people you'll find that time is a commodity in short supply. We all probably wish we had more time in the day to spend with our family and friends, to exercise and to sleep. Not many people in the last few days of their life are thinking 'I wish I gone in to work more'. So if we're all busy what can we do about? Well the first thing is to prioritize the things of value in your life. The second thing is allocate time to each of these priorities based on how important it is to you. If you rank family high on your list of priorities than you want to be doing things that allow you spend time and/or speak to them as much as possible. But rather than get into a discussion about what matters in your life and how well you are doing to invest in these areas I want to show you ways that can find 13 bonus hours to train. Now you need to realize this is based on 5 minutes per day and 3 workouts per week over a year. This amount to 780 minutes or 13 hours per year. How much closer would you be to your goal with an additional 13 hours per year? How much better would your health be? How much more weight could you lose? You get the idea. So without further ado here are ways to find 13 Bonus Hours to Train. 1. Use Antagonist Movements The typical bodybuilding or beach body workout involves 3 sets of 10 reps of a particular exercise. After completing 10 reps you rest for the prescribed amount of time and then complete your remaining sets. Let's use the example of doing bench press followed by 1 arm dumbbell...