Do you like getting advice? What about advice from the best people in the world? For example, when you think of finances or investing, who comes to mind? Would you listen to what Warren Buffet had to say? What about Ray Dalio? Or Alan Greenspan? Success leaves clues. And we can learn a lot from the best in the world. Fitness, performance and nutrition are no different. I'm always curious as to what the best in our industry think by attending live educational events, reading and picking their brains on social media. Recently I asked a number of the top people in our industry the following: 'If you could share one piece of advice with an athlete what would it be?' And I compiled their answers below for you. While I would have loved to include all the answers below, for brevity I couldn't include them all. Too see all the replies you can see the full thread here on my Facebook page. (see the January 18th post) In no particular order here The Top Coaches Share Their One Best Tip. 1. Don’t expect people to help you. Help yourself. And get your parents to do your research and lead the charge. Natural selection can be cruel and inefficient. - Derek Hansen click here to view Derek's bio I like this as it speaks to advocating for yourself. You need to work for what you want. Ask for help. And when you think of building your IST (integrated support team) your parents should be the first people you turn to. They know you the best, probably like you more than most people and genuinely want to see you succeed. 2. Embrace variety: in food, in training, in friends, in activities, maybe not in spouses - Dr. Susan Kleiner click her to...
Our Best Fitness and Nutritional Advice
- Chris Collins
- Fitness
- 897 Hits
Have you ever been around an expert of some type and wondered what their opinion was on something? For example, maybe you meet a financial analyst and you want to know what they consider to be a strong investment to make? Or you go for dinner with a dietician and you pay extra close attention to what they order (yes I did this with Dr. Kleiner in Seattle). And as fitness professionals we get asked our opinions on a variety of topics from what to eat, to what is the best exercise and our thoughts on whatever the popular cleanse is at the time. So I thought I would do up a list of our Best Nutritional Advice. Some of the list are things we've come up with other they years. Other things may be things we've heard or read. Either way it's solid advice. It's advice that I and the other Okanagan Peak Performance Inc coaches live by. The Best Cardio - [caption id="attachment_5057" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Cross country skiing is excellent cardiovascular but might not work without instruction, equipment, snow, access... For some reason I want to credit this one to Mike Boyle. And his answer to what is the best cardio is the one that you're most likely to do. And that includes the know-how and the opportunity. Cross country skiing is an excellent cardiovascular sport but if you don't own some ski and don't know how to do it you're probably getting a whole lot of benefit out of it. So rather than spend a ton of time debating whether you should be on the treadmill, elliptical, rower or bike, figure out which one you're most likely to do. And that will be the best one for you. The Best Supplement - When the conversation of supplements comes...