Last week while I was in California I had the chance to meet up some friends, colleagues and fitness celebrities. In particular I had the chance to meet Ronnie Coleman.

Ronnie is a former 8-time Mr. Olympia. Here's a pic of meeting him.

He had some pretty funny stories to share about how he started working at a pizza place after university then went on to become a cop. And eventually he became the best bodybuilder in the world.

And this guy is pretty entertaining. When he trains he is famous for yelling out his catch phrase 'yeah buddy!' before a set in the gym.

Now you have to imagine this massive black guy, at nearly 350 lbs in his prime, yelling 'yeah buddy!' in a rather unique and higher pitched voice. It's not Mike Tyson-high but it's definitely not to be confused with Barry White.

So last Saturday at our Group Fitness trainin session we had everyone yell out 'yeah buddy!' as I panned the room with the camera.

Here's the clip:

Saturday Group Fitness Training
So what's the point of all this?

Well for a number of reasons including:

1. Strength in Numbers
It's much easier to doing conditioning sets with others. On this day there were about 20 people out all different ages and abilities. Because of this community everyone was able to push a little harder and do a little more. You may recall on Saturday morning it was snowing. How many from this group would have ventured out had they known they'd be the only one?

2. There is No Intimidation
On this day we had NCAA Div 1 and world level podium athletes. Provincial champions. As well as people with Type II diabetes. And joint pain. And a few extra lbs. Some had years of training experience. For others this was their first Saturday workout.

It didn't matter what your story was. Everyone was there for one purpose. To challenge themselves to give their best and get better in the process. When the focus is on something like there is no intimidation. It was one team with varying abilities and goals.

3. One Mantra
I written previously about having a mantra and of viewing your lifts like a movie. With this workout we had one collective mantra which was 'yeah buddy!'. This was about saying 'yes' to the process. About supporting each other. And agreeing with what we were all doing.

And although I asked everyone to give me a 'yeah buddy!' one time at the start of the set it carried on through the workout. And it led to other spontaneous yells and high fives.

Now, don't get me wrong. This was a very challenging workout. And if presented to each of the 20 people individually a small minority would have completed it. Instead due to the dynamic and energy created everyone found a little more to bring their best.

If you would like to see what this is all about leave a comment below or post a message on our facebook page. Be warned though that you may be required to give me a 'yeah buddy!'
