As promised here is Part II of my 2011 Fitness Predictions. The deal was we needed 10 comments in order to receive the second half and now we're there. So here you go. Prediction #6 - Long Duration is Out I can remember when I started going to the gym as young guy and people who sit around and talk about how often they went to the gym and for how long. It was almost like a badge of pride the way some discussed what their schedule looked like. You would hear comments such as: 'I go 2 hours a day 6 days a week' or 'I do 2.5 hour each day during the week' ...etc. Wow! Can you imagine spending spending that much time in the gym? I can't! And I do this for a living. 2011 will be the year more people understand the concept of workout density or getting more resistance-based work done in less time. Don't you think it would be much more impressive to have an incredible physique and have people wondering how you can achieve your look with only 4 hours per week in the gym? Prediction #7 - Increased Demand for Quality Nutrition   More and more people are recognizing the importance of a quality nutritional plan. They are hearing the expressions such as 'you can't train yourself out of a bad nutritional plan' and making appropriate changes. No  longer can we use the excuse of ignorance. 'High fructose corn syrup is bad for me?' No longer can we see it is hard to find. Costco now sells almond milk, steel cut oatmeal, greek yogurt and buffalo burgers. No longer is it way too expensive. The costs have come down substantially for better quality nutrition and is actually less expensive in the long run than eating low, empty nutrition food. Prediction #8 - The Hips are the New Cool For the past few years everyone was gaga over core training. They went to all the core classes they could find. They bought cool gadgets and toys to perform core exercises. And they sought out more and more info on the topic as well. Well not that the core doesn't matter anymore but we'll start to see more of an emphasis on the hips. People will look to increase their hip mobility with foam rolling, varied sitting positions and targeted stretching. They will pay more attention to the alignment of their pelvis as this correlates directly with hip alignment and function. And lastly we'll see people doing more hip strengthening exercises due to the benefits extended to posture, back health and performance. Prediction #9 - More Children's Fitness Programs It used to be that kids got an hour of physical activity a day at school. And playing with their friends outside of school meant road hockey, pick up basketeball or jumping rope. Now they update their facebook staus by texting to let the world know their new high score on 'Call of Duty'. Bit of a change isn't it? Parents are starting to recognize the need to instill healthy habits in their kids at a young age. This involves drills, exercises and coaching with an emphasis on fun and leading to a life-long commitment to health and exercise. Prediction #10 - Performance Goals Over Aesthetic Goals Back when bodybuilding was all the rage guys, and some girls, would describe their goals in terms of appearances. 'I want a v-taper' or 'I want to have 18" arms' or 'I want to tone up the back of my arms'... But now people are realizing that it's a lot more fun and purposeful to train for performance. So you hear people now describe their goals as: 'deadlifting 500 lbs' or 'skiing black diamonds all day without knee pain' or 'completing a triathlon'... And the really cool thing is that by working towards a performance goal you are just as likely, and probably more likely in some cases, to have a v-taper and really toned body. Feel free to share your thoughts on these predictions. And if you have a performance goal I'd love to hear it. Chris                                                                                                                                                                                                                     'always moving forward'